Keyword: South Africa

Desmond Tutu commends Gulen inspired organization

The Turquoise Harmony Institute, an organization inspired by the philosophies and teachings of Fethullah Gulen that promotes peace, dialogue and tolerance hosted its 7th annual Ubuntu Lecture and Peace and Dialogue Awards Ceremony on the 30th of April in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Archbishop Tutu receives Gülen peace award

South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, was awarded the Fethullah Gülen Peace and Dialogue Award during the seventh annual Ubuntu Lecture and Dialogue Awards ceremony held in Johannesburg on Wednesday evening.

South African, Kenyan leaders show support for Turkish schools

South African President Jacob Zuma and Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta have both expressed support for Turkish schools in their country, amid the Turkish government’s attempts to shut down Turkish schools located abroad that are affiliated with the Hizmet movement.

Turkish Schools excel in South Africa

A total of 159 students from Star College had participated in last year’s matric exams amongst a total of 654,723 students across the country. The college’s 100% success rate at the 2013 National Senior Certificate was widely acclaimed by the country’s press.

Mandela supported mosque construction in Johannesburg, says businessman

Turkish businessman Ali Katırcıoğlu, who sponsored the construction of an Ottoman-style mosque complex, called the Nizamiye Külliyesi, in the South African city of Johannesburg, has said legendary South African leader Nelson Mandela, who passed away earlier this month, extended great support to the construction of the mosque complex.

Fethullah Gulen’s message in memory of Nelson Mandela

We pay tribute to the honorable life and legacy of Nelson Mandela, who devoted himself to the principles of peace, democracy, social justice and equality. Faced with extraordinary challenges and adversity, he chose reconciliation over retaliation and, in doing so, set an example of living a more noble life.

Thousands attend Turkish Festival in Johannesburg

Thousands of people have attended the fourth Turkish Culture and Food Festival at the Zoo Lake, a popular lake and public park in Johannesburg. “I feel like am in Turkey today,” Janet Lerato, one of the festival attendees, told the Anadolu Agency. The festival held on Saturday and Sunday, features Turkish folk dancing, performance by […]

Before Oprah: Scholar’s Philanthropic Work Has Huge Impact on Africa

Dr. Lachin Hatemi Centuries of colonization, slavery and diseases ravaged the sub-Saharan Africa. The entire continent was left with a desperate need for an educated and skilled workforce, which can transform the economy and improve the daily lives of Africans. Education is the key to such a transformation and ending poverty in Africa. What are […]

Kimse Yok Mu reaches out to tin houses of South Africa

Kimse Yok Mu recently distributed the Ramadan aid donated by Turkish people in tin house neighborhoods of South Africa. Children were too overjoyed by candy and balloon treats distributed as a part of the aid under the auspices of Johannesburg Horizon Turkish School. In addition to the aid packages for tin house neighborhoods, some five hundred locals are being hosted daily at iftar dinners at ground level halls of Nizamiye Mosque.

Archbishop Makgoba: Turkey’s religious tolerance answer to extremism

Turkey has given us an example showing that we can all coexist because we all worship God.” He said Turkey shows that “we can respect each other.

Nelson Mandela’s wife Graça Machel receives Fethullah Gulen Peace and Dialogue Award

FORMER president Nelson Mandela’s wife Graça Machel last night assured South Africans that Madiba was getting better. Machel made the assurance after receiving the Fethullah Gulen Peace and Dialogue Award during the sixth annual Ubuntu Lecture and Dialogue Awards ceremony that was held in Sandton, Johannesburg, last night.

TUSKON brings S. African, Turkish firms together

South African and Turkish companies that were present to build one on one business ties at the Turkey South Africa Trade and Investment Forum on Tuesday expressed that their main aim is to expand their businesses on the continent with partnership from both sides.

Second Turkish food and culture festival held in South Africa

Ten thousand people attended the second Turkish Culture and Food Festival in Johannesburg, South Africa, tasting Turkish cuisine for the first time, Turkish döner kebabs, kebabs, baklava and other traditional dishes.

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