Keyword: Turkish Olympiads

It is a great loss that Turkish Olympiads were not held in Turkey

The efforts of Justice and Development Party (AK Party) municipalities and districts to ensure that the Turkish Olympiads were not held in Turkey this year led to some strong reaction. Former Foreign Minister Yaşar Yakış, also one of the founders of the AK Party, expressed his sorrow about the obstacles that were deliberately manufactured to hinder the organization of the event.

Hizmet without borders

Sevgi Akarçeşme* Even for perpetual pessimists, it was impossible not to hope for a world where peaceful coexistence can exist while watching the finale of the 12th Language and Culture Festival, previously known as the Turkish Olympiads, in Germany. It naturally sounds odd that the Turkish Olympiads took place in Germany. But some are familiar […]

Int’l language and culture festival ends with spectacular ceremony in Germany

A message from well-known Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen who inspired the Hizmet Movement was also recited at the ceremony. “At a time when rage, hatred and war prevail in different places of the world, some people see path to science, love and peace as far away. However, as it is said in a Japanese proverb ‘If you have a good friend with you, no way is far to you’, said the message. Gülen also expressed his special thanks to German people for hosting the festival.

The real wretch

Indeed, if analyzed from a political science perspective, it can be said that prestigious events like the International Language and Culture Festival play key roles in diplomatic relations with foreign countries and they can be evaluated as an instrument of “soft power” — which is significant in contemporary world politics. In addition, such events undermine the separatist versions of nationalist ideologies and pave the way for the weakening of “negative nationalism.”

Romania hosts 12th International Language and Culture Festival finals

The final leg of the 12th International Language and Culture Festival will be held in the Romanian capital of Bucharest on June 15-16. The event, formerly called the Turkish Olympiads, is organized by the International Turkish Association (TÜRKÇEDER).

Turkish festival brings students from 27 countries to Ethiopia

The International Turkish Education Association’s (TÜRKÇEDER) Language and Culture Festival, which brought together 95 students from 27 countries under the motto “Hearts United,” was held in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa over the weekend.

Ankara’s soft-power dilemma

Turkey’s major assets in terms of successful diplomacy and soft-power policy included Turkish schools opened by the Hizmet movement all around the world; the International Turkish Language Olympiads organized by the same group; business associations within and outside the borders of Turkey; intercultural and interfaith dialogue societies; foreign language publications of Turkish society; Turkish hospitals in several countries; and Turkish international humanitarian aid organizations.

Actually, the president is electing his republic

During the local election marathon, Erdoğan was saying this: “They cannot hold the Turkish Olympiad from now on. That business is over now. They will come and ask for halls from us. Forget it; that subject is closed…”

Russia selects finalists for 12th Turkish Olympiad

The elimination round of the Turkish Olympiad in Russia has been held in a prestigious concert hall where around 300 students showed their skills in the categories of poem recitation, singing, reading and writing.

Turkish Olympiad finals held all around the globe in prestigious venues in a variety of cities

Though we typically only witness the Turkey leg of the Turkish Olympiad, held as a part of the International Turkish Education Association’s (TÜRKÇEDER) Language and Culture Festival, the fact is that excitement over this event similarly takes place in participating countries every year as well.

Turkish schools in Austria select finalists for Int’l Turkish Olympiads

Qualifications for Austria’s International Turkish Olympiads took place in a festive atmosphere on Saturday evening with a magnificent event in Vienna, with the attendance of hundreds of both Turkish and Austrian citizens.

Turkish schools in US select Olympiad finalists

Many countries that are home to Turkish schools have been holding language and culture festivals this month to select the students who will compete in the 12th Turkish Olympiads in June, with one such event recently being held in the US state of Virginia.

Opposition, diplomats slam gov’t attempt to shut down Turkish schools

The government’s attempts to shut down Turkish schools abroad which are affiliated with the Hizmet movement, inspired by the teachings of Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen, have been severely criticized by opposition members and diplomats.

Turkish language and culture festivals held in three countries

Language and culture festivals where contestants are selected to participate in the 12th Turkish Language Olympiad were held in three countries over the past week.

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