Keyword: Turkish Olympiads

Turkish Olympiad Finals add a festive air to Kiev

On March 30, a feast of Turkish language was enjoyed in Kiev, at Ukraine finals of Turkish Language Olympiads to mark its 11th year. The award ceremony of the finals, for which 204 finalist students out of approximately 2,500 qualified, took place at the centrally located Ukraine House in Kiev. In attendance of the final […]

Parliament Speaker Cicek visits Turkish School in Kiev

Turkish Parliament Speaker Cemil Cicek, in Ukrainian capital Kiev for official contacts, visited Meridian International School founded by Turkish entrepreneurs on April 4, 2013. Accompanied by his wife Gulten Cicek and a delegation of deputies, Cicek was greeted with the Slavic traditional bread and salt welcome ceremony by students from nine different nations. The students […]

Turks and Egyptians tight-knit at Turkish Olympiads Egypt Finals

The carnival atmosphere by Egyptian students sweating out to qualify to represent the country at the coming 11th Turkish Language Olympiads created an unforgettable memory for the audience. The Turkish and Egyptian guests of the cultural festival held at Salahaldin International School in Cairo watched the singing, poetry and folk dance performances in admiration. Prominent names from […]

Turkish feast in Madagascar

11th Turkish Language Olympiads Madagascar finals held in the capital Antananarivo witnessed joyful scenes. Antananarivo Ambassador of Turkey Ahmet Ercument Enc, Madagascar Poets and Authors Association Honorary President Philipe Desire Ramakavelo, Provincial Directorate of Education officials and various state officials were present at the event that took place at five-star Carlton Hotel. Top 10 finalists performed […]

Turkish Language Olympics – Iraq Qualifications

Excitement has begun for the Turkish Language Olympics, the pride of Turkey. The Iraq qualifications for the Turkish Language Olympics has been held in Viranşehir, Şanlıurfa. 30 students from the Turkish schools in the north of Iraq left the audience at the Viranşehir Indoor Hall awestruck with the rendition they came up with. The night […]

FM Davutoglu praises Fethullah Gülen’s contribution to education

4 June 2012 / TODAY’S ZAMAN, İSTANBUL Turkey’s Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has praised Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen for  supporting and promoting educational activities in foreign countries, along with his efforts to inspire intercultural and interreligious dialogue globally. Davutoğlu joined the 10th International Turkish Olympiads activities on Monday in the province of Konya and […]

Students from 135 countries to join Turkish Olympiads this year

İBRAHİM ASALIOĞLU, ANKARA Foreign students from 135 countries will attend the 10th International Turkish Olympiads, which brings together hundreds of foreign students each year from Turkish schools established throughout the world. A total of 1,500 students will compete at this year’s Olympiads, organized by the International Turkish Education Association (TÜRKÇEDER), in singing and poetry recitation […]

Turkish Olympiads built on legacy of linguistic, cultural interaction

MESUT ÇEVİKALP, İSTANBUL Some 1,000 students from 130 countries have come to Turkey to attend the Ninth International Turkish Olympics. Students from different cultures are bringing their poems, songs and folk dances to the Turkish language festival. This year’s Olympiads, themed after Yunus Emre’s famous call, “Come and let’s get acquainted,” are much more colorful. […]

Pioneering Turkish teachers realize long-sought dream

MUSTAFA EDİB YILMAZ, KIZILCAHAMAM While traveling from downtown Ankara to the tourist district of Kızılcahamam in springtime, one definitely notices how fabulous the poppies are that cover the hillsides. It would be difficult for many travelers to imagine a better view. However, for about a week this conclusion is certainly untrue for anyone whose destination […]

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