Keyword: USA

Synagogue hosts a night of Muslim-Jewish harmony

Robert Wiener, NJJN Staff Writer For years, Phil Kruger of Montville has been interested in interfaith dialogue. He’s led fellow members of Congregation Agudath Israel in Caldwell in comparative studies of the Koran, the Torah, and the Christian Bible, and led a group of Jews, Christians, and Muslims in regular text study. Now he is […]

A festival in Houston: Silk road festival

Beril Dedeoglu / October 12, 2012 The Syrian crisis has turned the social transformation process in the Arab world into well-known inter-state tensions. As of today, when talking about possible ways to resolve the Syrian crisis, we only mention states and their policies. Great powers have strategic expectations regarding the Syrian crisis. However, this crisis […]

Rumi Peace and Dialogue Awards given in Washington

The Rumi Forum, a nongovernmental organization established in the United States to improve interfaith and intercultural dialogue, gave its traditional Rumi Peace and Dialogue Awards in a ceremony held in Washington on Wednesday. Farah Pandith, US Special Representative to Muslim Communities, Hannah Rosenthal, the US special envoy on anti-Semitism, and Martin O’Malley, the governor of […]

Filling in for Missing Pieces: Peacebuilding Through Education

The Fountain Magazine and the Peace Islands Institute (PII) recently organized an international conference titled “Peacebuilding Through Education: Challenges, Opportunities, Cases”. The conference featured prominent experts and policy maker from across the world. Hakan Yeşilova, the editor-in-chief of  Fountain Magazine, made the welcoming speech. Below is his speech. Honorary Ministers, academics, guests: Good morning and […]

In Houston, a celebration: Silk road festival

“Yes, I am very pleased,” Annise Parker, mayor of Houston, told me. “The community of Turks, here in particular, are very outward, extroverted and curious in a sense of cultural understanding. I wish the others, too, would be like them. They contribute a lot to our prosperity and future and teach us a lot about where they come from, Turkey.”

It is not fair to tar 1.8 billion for actions of a few

We, the undersigned members of the Auburn Ministerial Association, wish to disassociate ourselves from the remarks made by the Rev. Rudy Tidwell about Islam and Muslims in the Sept. 20 edition of The Auburn-Opelika News for these reasons: Any religion that demands its members to pray five times a day and to fast for an […]

Financial Times publishes Fethullah Gulen’s Op-Ed

Financial Times published an op-ed by the Turkish Muslim scholar and writer Fethullah Gulen*. His article is titled “Violence is not in the tradition of the Prophet” Gulen says “Muslims pray each day: “O Lord! Keep us on the straight path.” It is a prayer to help us move away from the extremes and maintain […]

Conference highlights Turkish schools’ contribution to world peace

ESRA KOŞAR, NEW YORK Education ministers and academics from various countries highlighted the contributions to world peace made by Turkish schools inspired by internationally respected Turkish scholar Fethullah Gülen during a conference held in New York on Monday. The gathering, featuring attendees from across the world, was titled “The Peacebuilding Through Education International Conference” and […]

Teaching Peace in Schools

Alp Aslandogan, President, Alliance for Shared Values* This week New York City hosts the United Nations General Assembly, the Clinton Global Initiative and the Education Nation conference. These massive events focus on international diplomacy and peace, societal problem-solving and improving classroom instruction. However, just a few blocks away from these grand assemblies, a smaller group […]

Guests Rub Elbows With Senators, Mayors At 2012 Greenville Dialogue Dinner

TRIPP MESSICK,  GREENVILLE, S.C. Close to one hundred guests turned out at the Embassy Suites in Greenville Monday night for the 2012 Dialogue Dinner, entitled “Empathy: Walking in Another’s Shoes.” Guest speakers included Dan Waldschmidt, CEO of Waldschmidt Partners International, S.C. Senator John Wesley Matthews, and Furman Professor A. Kadir Yildirim. Towards the end of […]

Fethullah Gülen sends a message to the conference “Peacebuilding through Education”

The Fountain Magazine in collaboration with the Peace Islands Institute organized a conference titled “Peacebuilding through Education” on September 24, 2012 at The Times Center, NY. The conference aimed to highlight the importance of educating children, especially at the level of primary and secondary school, as an effective and sustainable method to prevent and solve […]

Raindrop Turkish House Featured in New York Times

Building a Turkish Empire, One Friend at a Time JOAN NATHAN August 14, 2012 LITTLE ROCK, Ark. Turkish Cuisine Classes held at Little Rock Raindrop Turkish House was featured in The New York Times on the 15th August 2012 by Joan Nathan, an award-winning American author of cookbooks. Nathan met with the Turkish cuisine class participants during […]

Iowa School of Journalism and Mass Communication Crossing Culture Borders

Jennifer Mercado, August 2012 A small group of University of Iowa School of Journalism and Mass Communication (SJMC) faculty opened a line of dialogue with educators and professionals during a trip to Turkey last month. Hosted by the Niagara Foundation, a handful of SJMC faculty and eastern Iowa-area professionals travelled to Turkey June 15-24 to […]

Ramadan Tent Dinner brings a flavor of the East to Bethlehem

The 10th annual Intercultural Dialogue and FriendshipRamadan Dinner celebrated the ninth month of the lunar Islamic calendar on Wednesday and Thursday nights in Bethlehem. The event was free and open to the public. Other organizers and sponsors of the event were Peace Islands Institute, Turkish Cultural Center Pennsylvania and the City of Bethlehem.

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