Keyword: USA

Supporters of Saylorsburg Muslim cleric say protesters have got it all wrong

Protesters planning a trip to Saylorsburg on Saturday are bringing an internal Turkish issue to the American streets, a representative from an organization connected with Fethullah Gülen said Thursday.

Man campaigning for anti-Gülen protest in US Turkish Communist Party member

A statement on the website, which broadcasts weekly speeches of Gülen, said Gülen’s doors are open to everyone. “We are following the path of 13th-century Sufi philosopher and poet Rumi. Our hearts and doors are open to everyone. We have all kinds of tea and refreshments here. Freedom of expression and thought is what we have also been defending unless it contains insult.

Dr. Phyllis Bernard’s views on Fethullah Gulen & Gulen Movement

Dr. Phyllis Bernard: “My speech was as much as anything else a ‘Thank you’ to the Hizmet Movement.. for making an incredible opportunity available for scholars, researchers, practitioners to understand a lot more about what stewardship in business is about. Hopefully as we continue to teach people about how business works in different places around the world, we’ll have a lot more respect and understanding for the kind of Islamic cultural values that one finds everywhere. And our entry way for that were the Hizmet Movement businesspeople; they were astoundingly fine.”

Obama Adviser Praises Fethullah Gulen and Gulen Movement

Gulen movement is an inspiration for all, says Obama’s Muslim adviser Mogahed. Appointed by US President Barack Obama and the first Muslim woman to be a member of the White House Advisory Council on Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships, Dalia Mogahed has said the Gülen movement, a faith-based social movement named after Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen, is a model and inspiration for all those working for the good of the society.

President Fox speaks about Fethullah Gulen and Gulen Movement

Vicente Fox served his term as President from 2000 to 2006. He was the first candidate from an opposition party to be elected president since 1920. Under his leadership, the country experienced a stretch of fundamental economic strength and stability. The perspectives of the Institute are inspired by the life and works of the distinguished contemporary scholar and civic leader Fethullah Gülen, a Turkish Muslim scholar, thinker, author, poet, opinion leader, educational activist, and preacher emeritus. He is regarded as the initiator and inspirer of the worldwide social movement of human values known as the Hizmet (Service) Movement or the Gülen Movement.

Fethullah Gulen on a Global Scale

James C. Harrington, founder [director] of the Texas Civil Rights Project and professor at the University of Texas at Austin Law School, spoke to a crowd of students, lawyers, judges, and local business people about his new book: Wrestling with Free Speech, Religious Freedom, and Democracy in Turkey: The Political Trials and Times of Fethullah Gulen. Harrington discussed recent changes in Turkey’s legal structure as part of the Gulen Institute’s ongoing lecture series, pointing to the result of the Fethullah Gulen trial as a pivotal victory in the nation’s struggle for civil liberties.

Madeleine Albright’s remarks about Gulen Movement

In a world that lacks direction, there can be no doubt that a pathfinder is needed. It is much more likely to be found in the values that reside at the heart of the Gülen Institute and this luncheon series. These values include commitment to international dialogue, an understanding of cultural diversity, support for human justice and a love of peace.

James Baker’s remarks about Fethullah Gulen and Gulen Movement

Honorary James Baker said: Problems of the world would be easy to address if, on the global level, we develop ways of sharing respect for each other’s religious perspectives. It is in this manner, the Gülen Institute and those who promote shared vision of interfaith dialogue provide truly invaluable leadership.

Orange County’s Anatolian Festival: A Meeting of Worlds

ARTUR ASLANYAN For the past five years, Orange County, Calif. has hosted the Anatolian Cultures & Foods Festival, a four-day event full of music, dances, food and family fun. The weekend of May 16th through the 19th continued the tradition, putting on the largest version yet. The event is described by many to be “the closest […]

Kofi Annan’s remarks about Gulen Movement

Hon. Kofi Annan said: I think it is extremely important to have institutions like the Gulen Institute (Gulen Movement) bringing people together, getting them to understand that we all are in the same boat and in today’s world you cannot be secure at the expense of the other, you cannot be safe and prosperous at the expense of other.

Gulen Charter Schools Myth

Gulen Charter Schools Myth – As parents poured into Harmony’s future school building for an information session this evening, “West Texas Patriots” members stood outside handing out fliers that encourage parents to research the school online. As CBS 7 first told you Tuesday, The Patriots believe the Harmony Schools have connections to “Radical Islam”. However, continued […]

An Armenian from Turkey in Los Angeles (2)

Markar Esayan A major component of Turkey’s official Armenian policy is the demonization of the Armenian diaspora. This component is still alive. The Hizmet movement, which has emerged as Turkey’s representative in the international arena, has been making serious efforts to compensate for the damage done in this regard. I mentioned earlier that I had […]

Turkish volunteers in US rush to help Oklahoma tornado victims

ORHAN AKKURT, NEW YORK Turkish charity organization Raindrop Helping Hands, a subsidiary of the US-based Raindrop Turkish House, has been helping Americans suffering in the aftermath of a powerful tornado that hit Oklahoma on Monday, leaving 24 dead. The Turkish charity first provided tornado victims with the most urgent needs such as food, water, gloves, […]

An Armenian from Turkey in Los Angeles…

Markar Esayan Last week I visited Los Angeles to attend the fourth Anatolian Cultures and Food Festival, held between May 16 and 19. I wanted to write about my impressions before the effects of jet lag took hold and while my memories were still fresh. I was enthusiastic as this was my first visit to […]

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