Keyword: Hizmet-inspired schools

Mongolia’s Elite Schools sponsor reading halls at pediatric hospital

The Turkish-initiated Elite International Schools in Mongolia provided a state pediatric hospital at the capital city Ulaanbaatar with new reading halls for its young residents. At the ribbon cutting ceremony were the schools’ officials, students and hospital authorities along with the local press.

Şifa University rector says gov’t move to shut down hospitals won’t affect education

İzmir-based Şifa University Rector Professor Mehmet Ateş has said a recent decision by the İzmir Governor’s Office to shut down the university’s additional outpatient polyclinics in the province will not affect education at the university’s main campus.

Police raids Şifa University hospitals in gov’t-led intimidation operation, report says

The police have conducted raids on nine hospitals of şifa University for the purpose of shutting down the hospitals on the orders of the İzmir Public Prosecutor’s Office in a government-led intimidation operation, the news portal reported on Friday.

Governor’s office closes 3 Gülen-inspired prep schools in Çorum

Despite a ruling from the Constitutional Court and the Council of State annulling a Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government-sponsored law that required privately owned exam preparation schools in Turkey to be closed down or converted, the Çorum Governor’s Office has ordered the closure of three prep schools as part of the government-led operation against institutions and businesses owned by the faith-based Gülen movement.

Turkish schools dominate award ceremony in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Students from Turkish schools in the country dominated a ceremony in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in which the Ministry of Education rewards those students who are successful in national and International Olympiads.

African Union Commission chair supports creation of more Turkish schools

Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, the chairperson of the African Union (AU) Commission, said on Tuesday during a visit to Johannesburg that volunteers working for the faith-based Gülen movement — inspired by the teachings of Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen — should continue to build schools and other institutions in Africa.

Lawyer of raided schools: Terror groups do not open schools, they raid them

The lawyer representing a number of schools that were raided in a government-initiated operation in Bilecik province on Saturday and Sunday based on their supposed affiliation with an alleged terrorist organization has said terrorist organizations do not open schools but instead raid them.

Afghan minister says proud his children studied at Turkish schools

The Turkish schools were established by educational volunteers of the faith-based Gülen movement, also known as the Hizmet movement and inspired by Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen.

Romanian gov’t congratulates Turkish schools for international achievements

Turkish schools’ teachers and students were among those presented with awards in a ceremony at the Prime Ministry in Romania in order to celebrate international achievements in the field of education.

Turks, Rio de Janeiro gov’t sign agreement to further education efforts in Brazil

The Brazilian-Turkish Cultural Center (CCBT) and the Rio de Janeiro state government signed an education cooperation agreement on Tuesday paving the way for the establishment of a long-anticipated “Brazil-Turkey Intercultural High School” by Turkish entrepreneurs sympathetic to the faith-based Gülen movement in Duque de Caxias, a city in southeast Brazil.

Cambodian education minister: I’m proud of Turkish school students

Hosting students from a Turkish high school who won a total of four medals in an international environmental project Olympiad called the “ASEAN+3 Junior Science Odyssey” (APT JSO) in his office, Cambodian Education Minister Hang Chuon Naron congratulated them, saying he is proud of the Turkish school students.

Thai minister thanks to Turkish schools for contribution to education

Panadda Diskul who is State Minister and Undersecretary of Thai Prime Ministry expressed his thanks to Turkish schools for theit contribution to education during his visit one of the schools.

Police raid successful Gülen-inspired schools, kindergarten in eastern Turkey

As one of the numerous raids against the schools affiliated with Gülen movement, popularly known as Hizmet Movement, two schools and a kindergarten were raided by police along with inspectors on Friday morning.

Turkish school in Romania moves to new building

Spectrum Turkish School in Yas city of Romania moved to its new building on Tuesday with a ceremony. Turkish schools which have been operating in Romania for 21 years continue to develop. The school which has a capacity of 500 students gained new building.

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Turkish School in Romania Granted with ‘Award of Excellence’

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Filipino – Turkish Tolerance School students excel in ICAS 2014 exam, Ten others top in campus journalism

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