Keyword: USA

Did you say extradition?

There is no crime attributed to Gülen and no investigation or court ruling against him. But one thing is certain: It is almost impossible that the US will respond positively to the Turkish government’s demand that Gülen be extradited.

US-based Turkish NGOs launch aid campaign for Syrian refugees

The Mid-Atlantic Federation of Turkic American Associations (MAFTAA) and American Turkish Friendship Association (ATFA) decided to carry out the project during a visit in the refugee camps in eastern Turkey.

GYV organized peace conference at United Nation

Speaking at the conference, GYV Secretary-General Hüseyin Hurmalı said that the GYV has been working voluntarily both in the US and across the globe to establish peace and dialogue. “We have tried to eliminate prejudices and wrong ideas about Turkey, we know that it is important for Turkey to enter into a process of peace and development,” Hurmalı added.

Turks in America condemn unlawful government action during the corruption probe

The statement read that the language of hatred, violations of the law, intervention in the political process and the defamation of different segments of Turkish society “not only harm the Turkish democracy and Turkey, but also the international image and prestige of the country.”

Why didn’t Chuck Hagel visit Turkey?

The government took new measures to prevent the graft probe from proceeding, in an attempt to create the public perception that the corruption allegations are the making of the Hizmet movement and its alleged foreign collaborators. For instance, a new measure introduced by the government to tighten control over the Internet, including powers allowing the authorities to block websites for privacy violations without a court decision, is part of a campaign to prevent news related to the corruption scandal from being disseminated further through the Internet.

US calls Turkey to uphold fundamental freedoms after Zeynalov’s deportation

When asked about Zeynalov being deported by the Turkish government, US State Department Spokesperson Jen Psaki said, “We are looking into these unsettling reports. As we have said, we have been and continue to be strong advocates for freedom of expression around the world, and we believe that democracies are strengthened by the diverse voices of their people. We look to Turkey as a democracy and ally to uphold the fundamental freedoms of expression, assembly, and association.”

40 CSOs in US slam hate speech being used by gov’t officials

NEW YORK A total of 40 civil society organizations serving in various states of the US under the umbrella of the Houston-based Turquoise Council of Americans and Eurasians (TCAE) have criticized the hateful language adopted by top government officials after a major corruption scandal erupted back in December, saying that society is deliberately being polarized […]

Dr. Jill Carroll speaks on Fethullah Gulen and The Gulen Movement

Dr. Jill Carroll, author of the book A Dialogue of Civilizations: Gülen’s Islamic Ideals and Humanistic Discourse, speaks at the lecture and book signing event in Chicago at Niagara Foundation. Dr. Carroll talks about the components that lead her to write the book and provides valuable insight on its context and content. Fethullah Gulen is […]

Islamic scholar Gülen sues interior minister over coup accusation

“Making efforts to set people up against one another and stir hostility by expressing those words is a behavior morally unacceptable,” lawyer Nurullah Albayrak said.

Turkey’s Wrong Turn

The tensions erupted into the open last month with a corruption probe that led to the resignation of four government ministers and threatened to ensnare Mr. Erdogan’s family. The government has since purged hundreds of police officials and prosecutors and sought to assert control over the judiciary. It also drafted legislation expanding the government’s power to appoint judges and prosecutors, further breaching judicial independence, and has prevented journalists from reporting freely.

10 unanswered questions about the Dec. 17 operation

Would we have learned about the endemic corruption if there was no conflict between the government and the Hizmet movement?

U.S.-based Turkish cleric says used as scapegoat in graft scandal

REUTERS U.S.-based Turkish cleric Fethullah Gulen has denied giving orders to police and prosecutors in a corruption inquiry rocking the government, saying his worldwide movement of followers was being used as a scapegoat to divert attention. In his first TV interview in 16 years, the influential preacher told the BBC that Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan […]

‘Washington has no interest in using Gülen against AKP,’ former US envoy says

The U.S. has no desire to use Fethullah Gülen, who lives in self-imposed exile in America, as a tool against Ankara, said James Holmes, a former U.S. envoy to Ankara. Ties between Ankara and Turkey might be on the frosty side, but Turkey continues to be an important ally for the U.S., according to Holmes.

Former US envoys to Ankara say Erdoğan doing great harm to democracy

“Whatever his achievements over the past decade, Turkey’s prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, is destroying his country’s parlous democracy. That is a profound problem for Turks and Turkey’s Western allies. Staying silent, out of fear that speaking out would harm some short-term interests, risks Turkey’s longer-term stability.”

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