Keyword: Kurdish Issue

Writers, journalists gather to discuss media’s role in social cohesion

TUĞBA MEZARARKALI, DİYARBAKIR/TURKEY Prominent writers, academics and representatives from various media organizations gathered on Saturday in the Kurdish-populated province of Diyarbakır to discuss the role of the media in promoting social cohesion. The workshop, titled “Social Cohesion and the Media,” was organized by the Medialog Platform, an industry advocacy group connected to the İstanbul-based Journalists […]

Kurdish singer Perwer says freedoms should be gained via peaceful means

HAŞİM SÖYLEMEZ, ARBIL Renowned Kurdish singer Şivan Perwer has voiced his support to the ongoing peace talks between the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government and the terrorist Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) to resolve Turkey’s long-standing Kurdish problem and urged that freedom should be taken through peaceful means. In an exclusive with Sunday’s Zaman […]

Renowned Kurdish singer Sivan Perwer lauds Gülen’s support for peace process

Famous Kurdish singer Şivan Perwer has said he found the remarks of well-respected Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen on the peace process to end the Kurdish issue “important.” Perwer described the announcement of support from Gülen as a “significant event” as he said people in Turkey listen to what the Islamic scholar has to say. […]

Are Gülen’s remarks on talks with PKK really surprising?

ABDÜLHAMİT BİLİCİ When he said, “Peace is in itself goodness, and peace brings happiness,” Fethullah Gülen, a well-respected Turkish Islamic scholar, made a deep impact on the public debate revolving around the new peace process which started with the negotiations between the National Intelligence Organization (MİT) and Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Öcalan, who […]

Religion as a force for peace

ŞAHİN ALPAY One of the great advantages of Turkey, surely, is the dominance of religious scholars who have promoted conceptions of Islam promoting peace, socio-economic development and democracy. In this context, contributions of Said Nursi (1878-1960), a Kurd from Bitlis, and Fethullah Gülen, a Turk from Erzurum, are surely exceptional. In Turkey hopes for an […]

AKP politician Akdoğan: Gülen’s support for peace talks of vital importance

Emphasizing the importance of Gülen’s remarks, Akdoğan said: “Political and social support to this peace process is of high importance. The government cannot take a step in spite of the public and nation. It is easier for the [government] to get a result when there is strong support from the public.

Top AK Party official likens Gülen’s stance on peace talks to that of Mandela

Justice and Development Party (AK Party) Deputy Chairman Hüseyin Çelik has expressed appreciation for Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen’s support for ongoing talks with the terrorist Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), likening Gülen’s remarks to those of South African politician Nelson Mandela. In his latest weekly speech, broadcast on website last Sunday, Gülen said as long […]

Who wants peace?

ORHAN MİROĞLU The Hizmet movement also wants peace. And peace is of course desired by the movement’s leader, Fethullah Gülen, who has worked for so many years to see the brotherhood between Turks and Kurds improved. Words of sincerity and courage spoken by Gülen should stand as examples for the leaders of our political parties. […]

Practicing Muslims and negotiating with the Kurdists

DR. İHSAN YILMAZ The Hizmet movement has taken the lead on several sensitive issues in Turkey, ranging from democratization and the EU process to interfaith dialogue. I think it must also take the lead in supporting the peace attempts. It does not have to give a blank check to everyone and can voice its concerns, […]

Pro-Kurdish deputy welcomes Gülen’s support for peace talks

Pro-Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) deputy Ahmet Türk has welcomed support of Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen for the peace talks between the jailed leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and the government. “View of Fethullah Gülen [on peace talks] is reasonable, welcoming,” Türk told CNN Türk TV channel in an interview on […]

Fethullah Gülen backs peace talks between government and PKK

Yet another show of support for ongoing peace talks between the Turkish government and the terrorist Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) has been voiced, this time from Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen, who said every necessary step needs to be taken, even if some of these steps might seem unnerving at first, to maintain peace in the […]

Arbil closer to İstanbul than Baghdad

ŞAHİN ALPAY My first visit to the Kurdistan region of Iraq took place a year ago, on the invitation of the University of Duhok, to participate in an international conference on the Middle East in the wake of the Arab Awakenings. Last week I was once more in the region, this time upon an invitation […]

Students of Turkish school in Iraq learn four languages

YONCA POYRAZ DOĞAN, ARBIL / SULAIMANIYA In Turkey, education in one’s mother tongue other than the official language, Turkish, has long been an issue of hot debate, but in the Kurdish region of Iraq, students have been graduating from Turkish schools having learned four languages. “In this area, people know two or three languages. In […]

One of his sons is with the PKK, the other is with the Gulen movement

As PKK terrorist organization burns the schools in southeastern Turkey, the question “Where is the Government?” has arisen. A father’s school preference for his son, located in the city of Batman has started a debate. The remarks of a father, who has a son with the PKK terrorist organization and another son in Gulen movement […]

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Ankara systematically tortures supporters of Gülen movement, Kurds, Turkey Tribunal rapporteurs say

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Purge-victim man sent back to prison over Gulen links despite stage 4 cancer diagnosis

University refuses admission to woman jailed over Gülen links

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Purge In Turkey Worries Kansas City Emigres

In Conversation with Fethullah Gülen (Interview in Asharq Al-Awsat-I)

Lord Mitchell pays a visit to Turkish School

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