Keyword: Jewish Muslim Dialogue

Religions Come Together To Celebrate Unity Amid Tragedy

“Today is the highest Islamic holiday,” said Ismail Akbulut for the Multicultural Mosaic Foundation. “We are commemorating the story of Prophet Abraham when he was going to sacrifice his oldest son. Today we are getting together as cousins and celebrating this festival,” Akbulut added. “We have a future in this country together.”

Muslim Leader Condemns Synagogue Killings

Fethullah Gulen, the Turkish Muslim preacher who lives in exile in Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania and is sought by the Ankara for alleged involvement in the 2016 coup attempt there, condemned the massacre at the synagogue in Pennsylvania.

Fethullah Gulen’s Statement on Mass Shooting at Pittsburgh Synagogue

I am shocked and deeply saddened by the horrific attack against the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. It is heartbreaking to see such a tragedy happen at a place of worship. I strongly condemn this hate-driven attack on the worshippers.

A Rabbi’s meeting with Hocaefendi Fethullah Gülen

This week I was privileged to spend the night at the Pennsylvania compound of Fethullah Gülen, the Sufi influenced Turkish modernist. I had two sessions to ask him questions in front of his followers and was allowed to sit in on his evening meeting with followers as well as attend his two-hour class for his disciples in the morning.

Jews should speak up for Hizmet

When we think of Hizmet, Jews conscious of our own history either can say, “There but for the grace of God go we,” or we can think of Rabbi Hillel: “If we are only for ourselves, what are we? And if now, when?” 

Building bridges while breaking bread: Norfolk temple holds interfaith Ramadan meal

Exiled. Away from his friends and family and watching from afar as thousands of Turkish doctors, teachers, professors and more have been jailed. Unbelievable, Bilici called it. Out of work and afraid of what was coming, he left the country. Eventually, he purchased a one-way ticket to America and is now, like thousands before him, a Muslim immigrant.

Muslims and Jews celebrate Ramadan together in Sheepshead Bay

Jews and Muslims broke Halal and Kosher bread together at an interfaith dinner for iftar — the nightly meal during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. The Kings Bay Y, a Jewish community center in Sheepshead Bay, hosted the May 17 event in partnership with the Turkish Cultural Center of Brooklyn.

My Meeting With Fethullah Gülen, the Man Accused of Plotting Turkey’s Coup

I saw the simple room in which he lives, adjacent to the room in which we met: a mattress on the floor, a prayer rug, a few books, and a reading table. Everything I knew before the meeting was confirmed that hour: This man is not the kind of person who would (or even could) plan a coup.

Muslims, Jews break fast after Yom Kippur

Even before Mustafa Safak arrived at Temple Chai on Wednesday for closing Yom Kippur services, the San Antonio Muslim read up on the traditions associated with the Jewish holiday. Members of Temple Chai attended events this summer marking Ramadan, Islam’s holy month, celebrated June 5 to July 5 this year. “Now they’re reciprocating,” Safak said.

Fethullah Gulen on Israel and Jews

In an interview with the Atlantic magazine in August 2013, Gulen stated that “I had a chance to get to know practitioners of non-Muslim faiths better, and I felt a need to revise my expressions from earlier periods. “I realized and then stated that the critiques and condemnations that are found in the Quran or prophetic tradition are not targeted against people who belong to a religious group,” but “can be found in any person.”

Clergy share ideals as source of peace

Quotations from Jewish, Muslim, and Christian scriptures mixed easily with personal reflections as a Conservative rabbi, a Muslim imam, and a Lutheran minister joined together April 14 at Drew University in Madison for a lunchtime discussion on “Religion as a Source of Peace.”

The work of peace

Mr. Tozan is originally from Turkey; the Peace Islands Institute likewise has Turkish roots. He said that there are about half a million Muslims of Turkish descent in the United States, two thirds of them in the New York metropolitan area.

Ramadan Dinner At Kings Bay Y Celebrates Peace And Unity

Those who could not find a chair stood shoulder-to-shoulder against the walls of the Kings Bay Y’s auditorium Wednesday night for a special Iftar dinner promoting peace and unity between the Jewish and Muslim communities.

Muslims, Jews start new tradition in Forest Hills

An interfaith dialogue between Jews and Muslims last year at the Central Queens Y in Forest Hills last year was such a success, the organizers decided to try it again on June 25.

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