(Not a joke) Turkish governor: ISIL terrorist detonated himself in construction site not to harm neighbors

Ali Yerlikaya, Governor of Gaziantep, Turkey
Ali Yerlikaya, Governor of Gaziantep, Turkey

Date posted: October 17, 2016

Following the detonation of an Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorist in Turkey’s Gaziantep province on Sunday, the governor told reporters that the suicide bomber detonated himself in a construction site in order not to cause problems for the neighbors.

Governor of Gaziantep, Ali Yerlikaya had earlier referred to an ISIL terrorist as ‘mister’ just to correct it in a few seconds.

Gaziantep hosts a large number of Syrian refugees due to its proximity to Syria and is thought to become a safe haven for radical Islamist terrorists. The ISIL has targeted the province several times.

Below is his statement in Turkish

Source: Turkish Minute , October 17, 2016

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