Rumi Forum Hosts Dinner Celebrating Ramadan

Date posted: June 10, 2016

NBC29 WVIR Charlottesville, VA News, Sports and Weather

Thursday night people of all faiths sat down to celebrate Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting.

The Rumi Forum and the American Turkish Friendship Association hosted a dinner at the Turkish Cultural Center.

Some of those who attended the dinner, including Albemarle County Supervisor Rick Randolph, say these interfaith events are especially important in a time when Muslims face discrimination across the nation.

“I think those of us, especially that are elected to public office, we have a responsibility to show that’s not the true America. That’s not why we view ourselves as Americans,” said Randolph.

The goal of these Rumi Forum dinners is to foster intercultural and interfaith dialogue. Through that conversation, the forum hopes to create understanding and peace.

Source: NBC29 , June 09, 2016

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