Keyword: Fethullah Gulen

Gülen extends condolences to coal mine victims

Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen has extended condolences for victims of the coal mine blast in western Turkish town of Soma, wishing speedy recovery for injured workers.

New Book – The House of Service: The Gülen Movement and Islam’s Third Way (New York: Oxford University Press)

Named after its leader Fethullah Gülen, the movement has established more than 1,000 secular educational institutions in over 140 countries, aiming to provide holistic education that incorporates both spirituality and the secular sciences.

Turkey’s first private Arabic station starts to broadcast

Hira TV will also feature Samanyolu TV, which has been broadcasting programs in Arabic for almost 20 years. Hira TV CEO Yusuf Acar said the new channel’s target audience is families, adding: “Through cultural and scientific TV programs, we will appeal to all Arab people, including both children and adults. In addition, we will broadcast lectures from Fethullah Gülen, a Turkish-Islamic scholar.”

Toward a security state

Hizmet movement resembles Western civil society groups and organizations in terms of creating public discussion platforms and performing education and unity-related activities. In addition, what makes the movement more important is that it does not depend on the state in order to survive and sustain its effectiveness.

Turkey further from EU accession than in 2007, Swoboda says

Swoboda said “The main problem is that there are severe accusations from Erdoğan against the Gülen movement over infiltrating the judiciary and the police. He is using this argument to change a lot of personalities in the judiciary and police, trying to restrict the independence of the Constitutional Court and the HSYK. Therefore, we fear for the independence of justice,”

Fethullah Gülen’s message to the International symposium “Ijtihad and Qiyas: The richness of Islam”

Ijtihad and Qiyas present a significant field of expansion for the potential treasury that transcends time and space as it is found in the Book and the Sunna. We will never run out of solutions and answers as long as these rich sources are available with their doors wide open for those who are able to benefit from them.

Review of Walter Wagner’s Beginnings and Endings: Fethullah Gulen’s Vision for Today’s World

Walter Wagner’s book, Beginnings and Endings: Fethullah Gulen’s Vision for Today’s World, focuses on the ideas and thinking of Fethullah Gulen, “one of the most important Muslim leaders in the world”

Gülen says praying for kidnapped schoolgirls, Nigerian people

Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen has said he is praying for kidnapped schoolgirls, their families and the Nigerian people, calling on the kidnappers to immediately free the girls.

No measures taken against ‘parallel structure’ at top security meeting: General Staff

The Turkish General Staff has dismissed reports that measures against the “parallel structure” – the government’s code word for the movement of erstwhile ally Fethullah Gülen – in the army have been taken during a National Security Council (MGK) meeting on April 30.

Fethullah Gulen’s Dialogue

In the contextual theology of Gulen, faith is always translated into action in light of the pressing needs of a given society. Islam, thus, becomes a language to speak about human needs and concerns as much as the content of these beliefs are shaped and understood by the prevailing context.

Archbishop Tutu receives Gülen peace award

South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, was awarded the Fethullah Gülen Peace and Dialogue Award during the seventh annual Ubuntu Lecture and Dialogue Awards ceremony held in Johannesburg on Wednesday evening.

US avoids commenting on Gülen’s extradition

US State Department Spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters at a press briefing on Wednesday that the US will not comment on Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s expectation for Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen to be extradited from the US, where he now lives.

Actually, the president is electing his republic

During the local election marathon, Erdoğan was saying this: “They cannot hold the Turkish Olympiad from now on. That business is over now. They will come and ask for halls from us. Forget it; that subject is closed…”

Gülen’s book “Eternal Light” under spotlight at Pakistani fair

Public had chance to access many kinds of books at the fair. Speaking to Cihan news agency, head of Harmony Publications Yakup Un said there is a huge interest to the book Sonsuz Nur by Pakistani people.

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