Keyword: Fethullah Gulen

Fethullah Gulen – man of education, peace and dialogue – passes away

“With sorrowful hearts and humble acceptance of Allah’s will, we share the news of the departure of Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi from this temporal world.” Chestnut Retreat Center where Mr. Gulen resided since 1999 announced.

This notable Pocono resident has been living here in exile since 1999

There are three things non-Muslim Poconovians should know about Gülen’s movement. First, Gülen rejects a jihad of violence as promoted by the Taliban, Al-Qaeda and ISIS in the name of Islam.

Why does Fethullah Gülen matter to the world?

It was believed in 2016 that Erdoğan was carrying out a witch hunt to drive Hizmet into the ground so as to completely erase its history in Turkey. However, that witch hunt never seemed to stop. In fact, it continues even today. The most recent examples are Kenya and Kyrgyzstan.

Is Gulen the scapegoat of Ankara crisis?

Turkey is where it is today, not because of Gulen and the Hizmet Movement but rather as the product of a change of heart in the current government leadership, flushing good governance and tolerance components from the country’s management affairs running systems. Solution to the Ankara crisis can only be found through establishing its root cause rather than finding a scapegoat.

When I met a Gandhian ‘Jihadi’ in America

What explains Gulen’s deep faith in peace, nonviolence, human dignity and inter-faith tolerance and dialogue as the cornerstones of Islam? For answer, we have to know something about the ‘Guru’ who influenced him – Bediuzzaman Said Nursi (1878-1960), one of the greatest Islamic theologians of the last century.

Gülen: The coronavirus changed how Ramadan looks. But it will not change our faith in God

Many yearly rituals of Ramadan will continue even as some change in deference to our social responsibility to respect God’s laws in the universe.

Al-Azhar has examined and approved all the works of Mr. Gulen

Egypt’s Al-Azhar University, one of the most respected Islamic Sciences centers in the world, and the Islamic Research Association, has examined the works of Gulen found no contradiction to the school of Sunni Islam. Beyond these works, in some universities, especially Al Azhar, many master’s and doctoral theses on the subject of Hizmet and Mr. Gulen have been published.

Fethullah Gulen’s Statement on Devastating Bush Fires in Australia

May this tragic event be an occasion to reflect worldwide on the blessings we enjoy on this planet, strengthen our commitment to protecting the environment and wildlife and review our response measures.

Fethullah Gulen Cited among Watkins’ 2019 the Most Spiritually Influential 100 Living People

There are several factors that were taken into account when compiling the list. The person has to have made a unique and spiritual contribution on a global scale, has to be alive, is frequently googled, appears in Nielsen Data, has a Wikipedia page, and is actively talked about throughout the Internet. This list is meant to celebrate the positive influence of today’s spiritual teachers.

Book Review — Fethullah Gülen: A Life of Hizmet

Gülen comes off in the book as a charismatic figure, who is defined by humility. You can understand why some might find him troubling. He has inspired great loyalty. Yet, like the Dalai Lama and Pope Francis, he has used this charisma and loyalty for the good. A biography like this is important because it brings to life both the person, whose vision led to the creation of the movement and the nature of the movement itself.

Fethullah Gülen’s Message of Condolences for the El Paso and Dayton Attacks

These attacks which are assaults on the sanctity of human life shatter our hearts but should strengthen our eagerness in serving the goal of living together peacefully and should also lead us to a societal self-examination.

World Refugee Day Message from Fethullah Gülen

Today on World Refugee Day, I join the global community in showing support for millions of refugees around the world who were displaced due to conflict and persecution and who are going through an extremely difficult journey as a result.

Fethullah Gülen’s Message of Condemnation and Condolences for Sri Lanka Explosions

I was shocked and deeply saddened by the devastating news of explosions in Sri Lanka. I firmly condemn this horrific attack, which turned a day meant for the celebration of Easter by Christians around the world into bloodshed.

Fethullah Gülen’s Statement on Notre-Dame Cathedral Fire

I believe that the people of France will reconstruct this historic building and fully restore its magnificence. I extend my condolences to the French President Emmanuel Macron, Archbishop Michel Aupetit, the rector Patrick Jacquin, ministers of Notre Dame Cathedral, and the people of France. I invite everyone to support the efforts to reconstruct this beautiful Cathedral.

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