Keyword: Christian Muslim dialogue

Interfaith Ramadan Iftar Dinner Held in Montville

Sponsored by the Peace Islands Institute, approximately 75 people gathered at the Montville United Methodist Church in Towaco May 10 for an interfaith Iftar dinner.

Chatham United Methodist Church Hosted Abraham Interfaith Lunch

The Chatham United Methodist Church hosted its 6th Annual Abraham Interfaith Lunch on Tuesday, April 30th. The theme of the event was to embrace faiths of all kinds while joining together to help refugees in need.

Mr. Fethullah Gülen’s Message of Condolences for Rev. Billy Graham

Fethullah Gülen: I was saddened to learn of the passing of Rev. Billy Graham, a renowned man of faith who reached hundreds of millions with his inclusive messages in service of world peace. With his departure he leaves a gap that is hard to fill.

Fethullah Gülen’s Message for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Throughout his life, Dr. King spoke out against oppression, and he expressed discontent with people who remained silent. Indifference has led to the demise of many communities throughout history. Every believer’s attitude should be: No matter where injustice and oppression occurs, it concerns me and I have a responsibility to do something about it.

What can Christians learn from a global Islamic movement?

Clearly, the Gülen movement is reeling from the campaign against it in Turkey. However, it has been a genuinely international movement for many years. As it struggles in Turkey, it may well flourish elsewhere among those who react against Erdoğan’s vitriolic campaign against Gülen.

Turkish dinner in Erie brings together flavors, cultures

She was telling me about the event and I was about to explain that she needed to send something in writing and we’d be happy to put it in the appropriate calendars of events. Then she caught my ear: Turkish cooking class … at a Presbyterian church … as a fundraiser for Puerto Rico? Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Australian Catholic University Gulen Chair Launch

Australian Intercultural Society (AIS), in partnership with the Australian Catholic University (ACU) celebrated the appointment of Associate Professor Salih Yucelto the Fethullah Gülen Chair in the study of Islam and Muslim – Catholic Relations.

The message at the dialogue dinner: There’s no alternative to one Nigeria

The Archbishop of Abuja made the statement during a Friendship and Dialogue Dinner, organised by UFUK Dialogue in Abuja recently. He said, “God has put us all in this one boat called Nigeria. And we really have no other option than to try to live together in peace with all our differences.

Religious leaders in Philippines defend Turkish NGOs being linked to terrorism

De La Salle Philippines president Bro. Armin Luistro and leaders of religious groups on Tuesday expressed support to two non-government organizations being linked to terrorist organizations, noting the NGOs’ track records in peace-building.

Faiths come together at Ramadan fast-breaking in Welling and ‘send clear message’ to terrorists after London Bridge attack

This kind of events made our community stronger and send clear message the terrorist groups that they never will be successful to appeal the nation with their sick acts.

Has Turkey arrested Christian to exchange for Fethullah Gülen?

Turkey’s Erdogan regime has arrested an American pastor whom they could use in a possible exchange for the Turkish Muslim cleric they want to extradite from the United States. The Muslim Fethullah Gülen is accused by the Erdogan regime to be the mastermind behind the latest failed-military-coup intending to depose the president.

Launch of Fethullah Gulen Chair in Islamic Studies and Intercultural Dialogue at Deakin University

The Melbourne based Deakin University launched its inaugural Chair, named after Fethullah Gulen, in Islamic Studies and Intercultural Dialogue with a ceremony held on Tuesday 22 November at its Melbourne Corporate Centre. Professor Jane Den Hollander, President and Vice-Chancellor of Deakin University officially launched the Chair.

A Family’s Journey from Turkey and Argentina to San Antonio

“There are problems everywhere in the world,” he continued, “but we are the ones responsible for fixing those problems. We can’t tell one person or group to ‘fix it.’ We have to work together to fix the world and make it a better place.”

Turkey’s crackdown threatens German stability, Gulen followers fear

As storekeeper Cem Celik closes his small supermarket in one of Berlin’s traditional Turkish neighbourhoods for the night, he is bracing himself for what lies ahead.

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Fethullah Gülen’s Condolence Message for South African Human Rights Defender Archbishop Desmond Tutu

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Ankara systematically tortures supporters of Gülen movement, Kurds, Turkey Tribunal rapporteurs say

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Devious Use of International Organizations to Persecute Dissidents Abroad: The Erdogan Case

A “Controlled Coup”: Erdogan’s Contribution to the Autocrats’ Playbook

Why is Turkey’s Erdogan persecuting the Gulen movement?

Purge-victim man sent back to prison over Gulen links despite stage 4 cancer diagnosis

University refuses admission to woman jailed over Gülen links

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Erdoğan’s Religious Guide Approved Torture And Abuse In Turkey

Detained woman, newborn baby transferred to prison 1,291 km away from home

Jews and Muslims Break Their Fasts Together

An opposition out of Gulen Community?

It is not fair to tar 1.8 billion for actions of a few

Int’l language and culture festival ends with spectacular ceremony in Germany

U.S. Judge Tosses Suit Against Reclusive Muslim Cleric

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