Turkish volunteer doctors build bridges between Tanzania and Turkey

Date posted: September 15, 2013

Turkish doctors went to Tanzania to give voluntary medical services. The members of the Horizon Medical Doctors Society, including 7 professors and 40 medical staff, first visited Darussalam, the biggest city in Tanzania.

The volunteer doctors met with Hussein Ali Mwinyi, the minister of health who graduated 20 years ago from School of Medicine of Marmara University, Turkey. Mwinyi expressed his gratitude to see Turkish volunteer doctors in his country. He said: “I always describe myself as half Turkish and I appreciate your voluntary works in Tanzania.” He mentioned that these voluntary health services would build and strengthen friendship bridges between the two countries. He thanked to the volunteer doctors. Mwinyi also underlined the fact that Tanzania needed more doctors.

President of Fatih University Dr. Şerif Ali Tekalan and president of Hacettepe University Dr. Murat Tuncer stated that they would support Tanzania in any way they could do, for example, by admitting in their universities more students from Tanzania.

President of Horizon Medical Doctors Society Dr. Ömer Faruk Akıncı stated that they came to Tanzania with the support of the Turkish Cooperation and Development Agency (TIKA), and they would also go to Zanzibar and Bagamoyo to examine patients and perform surgeries. “Our purpose is to build long lasting friendship between the two countries by providing permanent health services,” he said.

Source: HizmetMovement.Com , September 15, 2013

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