Keyword: Afghanistan

Erdogan’s dirty deal: Afghanistan to hand over control of Gülenist schools to Turkey

Afghan authorities have drafted a deal giving the Turkish government control of more than a dozen schools in Afghanistan affiliated with the exiled cleric Fethullah Gülen. Western and Afghan officials believe the agreement is part of a bargain allowing Afghanistan’s vice-president, Abdul Rashid Dostum, who has been accused of abducting and torturing a political rival, to seek exile in Turkey.

Afghan Students, families baulk at Turkey taking over schools

A number of parents of students at Afghan-Turk Schools on Saturday said at a meeting in Kabul they support the continuation of the schools in the country and do not want control to be handed over to the Turkish government.

Once Shut Down By Taleban, Now Afghan-Turk Schools to be handed over to Erdoğan Regime

Since the ill-intentioned Maarif Foundation was found by Erdoğan regime in wake of failed coup attempt on July 15, 2016, just for aiming at taking over the successful schools operated by Turkish civic society, Gülen movement, the step has not been welcomed by the affected schools in Afghanistan.

Once shut down by Taliban, now Afghan gov’t plans to hand over successful Turkish Schools to Turkish Gov’t

Afghanistan president Ashraf Ghani has agreed to hand over the Afghan-Turk schools, previously run by a pro-Gulen institution, to the Turkish Education Foundation which is a governmental institution. This step has, however, not been welcomed by the affected schools. Officials of the schools have warned that the move would lead to closing the schools and damage the quality of education.

Afghans laud honorable Fethullah Gulen

Afghanistan’s capital city Kabul hosted a conference entitled “Fethullah Gulen’s Perspectives on Combating Extremism in the Muslim World,” jointly organized by the local Tolerance and Dialogue Center and Baran-i Omid Publishing. Leading Afghan officials called attention to Gulen’s approach and education for an efficient and permanent solution to extremism.

Afghan minister says proud his children studied at Turkish schools

The Turkish schools were established by educational volunteers of the faith-based Gülen movement, also known as the Hizmet movement and inspired by Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen.

Kimse Yok Mu extends help to Afghan quake victims

International charity organization Kimse Yok Mu (KYM) reached out to people who were affected by a magnitude 7.5 earthquake which shook northern Afghanistan on Sunday.

Media and education challenge in Afghanistan

The resurgence of violence, a stubbornly lingering narcotic-financing chain and growing economic difficulties in Afghanistan have put a damper on optimism for the future of the country, yet I believe hope is still strong among the resilient Afghan people and certainly there is no shortage of success stories that will keep them going.

Afghan education minister: Turkish schools are model for private schools

Afghan Education Minister Dr. Shafiq Samim has said he is proud to have Turkish schools in Afghanistan and that they have become a model for Afghan private schools.

Afghan-Turkish schools win six medals at int’l olympiad

Afghan-Turkish schools, established by Turkish entrepreneurs affiliated with Hizmet Movement, won six medals – four golden and two silver – at an international olympiad.

Afghan minister praises Turkish schools, calls for more to be built

The Afghan education minister has hailed Turkish schools for their efforts to bring up a bright, new generation in the Afghan nation, calling on Turkish entrepreneurs to open more schools in the country’s provinces.

Afghan education minister pledges to open more Turkish schools

The Afghan education minister pledged to increase the number of Turkish-Afghan schools in Afghanistan, opening at least a school in each province as an educational role model.

Afghan journalists complain about Western coverage of their country

A group of Afghan journalists who gathered in İstanbul on Monday expressed dissatisfaction with the coverage of their country in Western media, saying they only show terrorism and violence, and the journalists argue that it is not the full picture of reality of Afghanistan.

Kimse Yok Mu gives away meat aid to six thousand Afghan families

Kimse Yok Mu Foundation helped 6 thousand families in need enjoy the Eid al-Adha by slaughtering 550 head of cattle in six different provinces across Afghanistan. Joined by Afghan-Turk Cag Educational Institutions and Afghan and Turkish businessmen gave away eid beef in Kabul, Herat, Kandahar, Jalalabad, Mazar-i Sharif, Sheberghan cities, from the first day thru the third.

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