Keyword: USA

Brookings: Takvim’s news on Hizmet movement incorrect, totally ignorant

Commenting on the Takvim news piece, Ömer Taşpınar, a Middle East expert at Brookings, said the news does not reflect the truth and that pro-government dailies publish news supporting conspiracies against the movement.

US-Based Muslim Preacher Leverages Influence Back in Turkey

Jerome Socolovsky SAYLORSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA — In 1999, a Turkish preacher who ran afoul of the military-backed secular government in Ankara left and sought refuge across the ocean in what was then a camp for Turkish-American children in the eastern U.S. state of Pennsylvania. The ailing 72-year-old Fethullah Gulen has remained influential in Turkey, however, and the […]

Gülen’s Dialogue on Education: A Caravanserai of Ideas

Professor Tom Gage portrays eight modern educators and the development of their theories viewed from personal, cultural, and historical perspectives. He links their ideas to those of Fethullah Gülen, a highly influential educator of today who draws on an entirely different tradition.

Major reshuffle in Turkish judiciary amid graft probe row

Çolakkadı, Öz, Seçen and Kansız are prosecutors who had overseen a number of probes and court cases such as Ergenekon, Balyoz and KCK between 2007-2012 against alleged coup attempts by groups within the military and outlawed Kurdish organizations during the time when Erdoğan favored the support of Gülen, who allegedly has sympathizers particularly in the judiciary and the police force.

Reactions snowball after PM likens Hizmet members to Hashishin

According to Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) deputy Özcan Yeniçeri “The Hashishin was a separatist organization that inflicted great damage on the Turkish nation. Their purpose was to divide the nation and disrupt peace. The Hizmet movement, on the other hand, is a civilian initiative that strives for Turkey not to be divided and for youths not to fall into the hands of the terrorist PKK. For us, the real Hashishin are the separatists. If the prime minister is looking for a Hashishin, he should look into the mirror,”

Erdoğan, Hizmet, assassins

Former Interior Minister Idris Naim Şahin stated that “the government is run by a small oligarchic elite in a way that excludes broad segments of the party constituency and the Turkish people” is very explanatory vis-à-vis Mr. Erdoğan’s shockingly undemocratic and increasingly authoritarian performance over the last two years, since he received 50 per cent of the vote in the 2011 general elections.

Hizmet, Erdoğan and the US

Today, the government resorts to irrational conspiracy theories in an effort to divert public attention from allegations of corruption. As a social movement that successfully promotes Turkey’s values in its schools in about 150 countries around the world, the Hizmet movement’s patriotism cannot be doubted

A Rare Interview: Jamie Tarabay Meets Turkish Scholar Fethullah Gulen

Gulen’s lectures have inspired business and community leaders to open 135 schools in 26 states. “They’re academically focused. They’re not religious schools. It’s really about building intellectuals, intelligent and business leaders for the future,” Jamie said. Up until now, Gulen remained a mystery to the public and only appeared on video webcasts. Jamie’s interview has served as a bridge for Americans to become acquainted with the reclusive scholar.

New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan visited Turkish Cultural Center in Manhattan

Hon. Maggie Hassan, Governor of New Hampshire visited the Turkish Cultural Centers’
headquarters in Manhattan.Hassan spoke very highly of TCC-New Hampshire’s activities and underlined the contributions of
these intercultural dialog organizations to the society.

Reception for ‘Time in Turkey’ held in New York

The exhibition, which shows Turkey from the lens of 25 masters of photography, has been on display in New York for the last six days and will be open to visitors until Jan. 9. The exhibition, which hosted millions of visitors in 19 other cities around the world, will end its global tour in New York.

Saylorsburg protesters focus on Turkish cleric

As a corruption investigation embroils the prime minister of Turkey and the country’s ruling party, protesters descended for a third time on Saylorsburg against Turkish cleric Fethullah Gülen. But Alp Aslandogan, spokesman for Gülen’s movement, said the protesters’ views are contradictory. He said Erdogan has blamed Gülen for the investigation, so protesters are supporting the ruling party by protesting Gülen now.

Why Erdoğan exploits anti-American sentiments

With dangerous and discriminatory language, PM Erdoğan exploits anti-American and anti-Israeli sentiment in Turkish society to demonize his opponents. Can Erdoğan win this game? If Erdoğan were confident enough about the corruption case, maybe he could. Instead of letting justice run its proper course, he used his political power to intervene in the judiciary and police forces. This must be considered the most important indicator of his fall.

NY Times: 3 Turkish Ministers Resign Amid Corruption Scandal

Three Turkish cabinet ministers resigned Wednesday in an intensifying corruption scandal that has challenged the government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and polarized the country.

Don’t draw us into your family fight: Washington

The United States has told Ankara it has no any intention of getting involved into what it calls “a family fight,” denying conspiracy theories suggesting Washington’s role in the ongoing struggle between the government and the powerful Gülen community that has exploded with a new corruption probe. “Please don’t draw us into your family fight here. We don’t want one side or the other to feed this conspiracy idea that we are against the prime minister or against Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi,”

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Purge-victim man sent back to prison over Gulen links despite stage 4 cancer diagnosis

University refuses admission to woman jailed over Gülen links

In Case You Missed It

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US calls decision by Turkey to seize Zaman newspaper ’troubling’

Jews should speak up for Hizmet

Full-Fledged Hate Speech By Erdoğan: Gülen Movement Became ‘Unthinking Slaves’

Burma/Thailand: Deported Turkish Man at Risk

NATO Insiders Suspect Turkey Coup Was Staged by Erdogan himself

Students enchant German crowd with poems of praise

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