New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan visited Turkish Cultural Center in Manhattan

Date posted: January 8, 2014


Hon. Maggie Hassan, Governor of New Hampshire visited the Turkish Cultural Centers’

headquarters in Manhattan.

During her visit at the Turkish Cultural Center (TCC), Furkan Kosar, president of the Council of

Turkic-American Associations and TCC women branch representatives informed Hon. Hassan

about theTurkish-American community in the USA. After the meeting, Peace Islands Institute

and Turkish Cultural Center officials presented a special art piece of engraved Ottoman Tughra

to Governor Hassan.

Governor Hassan unveiled the New Hampshire office of Turkish Cultural Center last March.

Hassan spoke very highly of TCC-New Hampshire’s activities and underlined the contributions of

these intercultural dialog organizations to the society.


[Original news is in Turkish]

Source: Zaman Amerika , December 31, 2013

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