Keyword: USA

Statement of Senator Patrick Leahy On Assault on Press Freedom in Turkey Senate Floor

Mr. President, I have spoken many times on the Senate floor in defense of press freedom because it is a fundamental cornerstone of a democratic society. Today I want to briefly draw the Senate’s attention to the situation in Turkey, one of the many countries in the world where this basic right is under threat by officials in the government who seek to silence their critics.

Sen. Schumer & 70+ Senate Colleagues Call on State Dept. to Address ongoing Intimidation of Media and Censorship of the Press in Turkey under President Erdogan’s Administration

Recently, Two Journalists Who Were Vocal Critics of President Erdogan’s Administration and Were Arrested and Detained—Both Individuals Lead Major News Organizations; Prior To That Incident, Many Journalists Lost Their Jobs for Writing Material That Was Critical of President Erdogan and His Administration

Turkey’s STV opens Washington studio, first among Turkish TV networks

One of Turkey’s leading TV networks, the Samanyolu Media Group is expanding its scope by opening a new bureau and a studio equipped with cutting-edge technology in Washington, D.C., amid unceasing government repression at home.

UN-DESA 53rd Commission for Social Development

Journalists and Writers Foundation, Albert Schweitzer Institute, and Peace Islands Institute held a panel discussion titled “Peaceful and Cohesive Societies for Social Development,” during the UN DESA 53rd Commission for Social Development.

Connecticut chapter of Peace Islands Institute promotes peace by bringing people together

Erdogdu is director of the Connecticut chapter of Peace Islands Institute, an organization founded “to facilitate a forum of mutual respect and collaboration, both welcoming and accepting varied viewpoints and voices,” according to its mission statement.

‘Fethullah Gulen is one of the leading Islamic thinkers in the world’

I think the Gulen, or Hizmet, Movement represents Islam by, on the one hand, maintaining a strong connection to and being rooted in the Islamic primary sources, such as the Qur’an and the Prophetic teachings, but, at the same time, not neglecting the world around it.

Turkish businesswomen hold panel at the UN on female empowerment

The İstanbul-based Global Businesswoman Association (DünyaDer) held a panel on women’s economic empowerment on Tuesday at the UN in New York in cooperation with the Women’s Platform of the Journalists and Writers Foundation (GYV) to discuss ways how to strengthen the socioeconomic position of women in the society.

‘The work of Hizmet followers is really tackling the fundamentals of what is needed in the society’

Hizmet Movement is represented by the people that I’ve met. I see that there is a common purpose of like-minded people, in a very grass-root way, coming together, pushing for some ideals that they believe in, in the society, and I’m touched by the genuine motivation of the people that I’ve met. I am impressed with the sacrifice that individuals that believe in this contribute to this collective goal that they are trying to reach.

Turkish Cultural Center reaches out to Syracuse community to share its unique culture

The Turkish Cultural Center in Syracuse serves the local Turkish-American community. The organization strives to educate and inform the public about the many aspects of Turkey, Turkish culture and history.

Youth address global poverty in Gülen Institute’s essay contest

Hundreds of young people from around the world pondered the issue of global poverty and proposed potential solutions based on their own research and experience in an international essay contest launched by the Gülen Institute, a US-based civil society organization.

‘Hizmet Movement is teaching “habits of the heart”, without any request for payback’

The individuals in the Hizmet Movement present to Americans a life of Islam which is not frightening, which, where the values and concerns relate primarily to those of family and faith.

Pacifica Institute Utah hosts ‘Love is a Verb’ screening for interfaith season

Pacifica Institute Utah sponsored a screening of the film “Love is a Verb” on Monday, Feb. 23, at the Salt Lake City Library as part of Interfaith Season sponsored by the Salt Lake Interfaith Roundtable.

S.A. nun speaks at the U.N. on Gulen

Sister Martha Ann Kirk had spoken publicly about her trips to Iraq and her time in that beleaguered country — where so little hope seems to exist, especially for educational opportunity for girls.

Fountain’s Yeşilova: We believe human life and the universe are each a book to read

English-language The fountain magazine Editor-in-Chief hakan yeşilova has said his magazine has an editorial policy that promotes love and respect for all, adding that they see human life and the universe as books that need to be read.

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University refuses admission to woman jailed over Gülen links

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The gravest-ever smear

GYV: Hard-won democratic gains sacrificed for short-term interests

Gülen says prefers staying longer in US to avoid ‘harming positive things’

Political cartoonist Aseem Trivedi raises voice against detention of women after delivery in Turkey’s hospitals

Tunisia was able to make constitution because of concessions of all parties

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