Keyword: Hizmet-inspired schools

Obama meets Turkish school’s award-winning students

Four students from the Pinnacle Academy, established by Turkish entrepreneurs in the greater Washington, D.C., area, were at the White House on Monday to present their project, which took first place in the National Engineers Week Future City Competition in the capital’s metropolitan area in February. On Monday President Barack Obama hosted the White House Science […]

NATO Secretary Rasmussen praises the Turkish schools in Afghanistan

NATO’s Secretary General and Denmark’s former Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen praised the Turkish schools in Afghanistan. Rasmussen, who came to Ankara the other day, during his meeting with the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, brought up this topic, and paid his complements to those schools. General secretary of NATO thanked Turkey for the […]

Taliban Shuts Down Turkish Schools in Afghanistan

Kate Clark Taleban shuts more Afghan schools BBC reported that Taleban shut down schools opened by Gulen Movement in Afghanistan. Schools were providing contemperary education for free. Girls and women are hard hit by the Taleban’s stance on education. Below is the story by BBC. Six schools run by a Turkish Islamic group have been […]

Terrorist PKK targets Gulen movement’s schools in Hakkari

Schools opened by the Gülen movement, inspired by internationally respected Turkish scholar Fethullah Gülen, in the eastern province of Hakkari are often threatened by the terrorist Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), according to an interview by the T24 news portal. The first private school the Gülen movement in Hakkari was opened in 2007. There are currently 300 students at the school, Hatice Avcı College.

Turkish Schools Offer Pakistan a Gentler Vision of Islam

Praying in Pakistan has not been easy for Mesut Kacmaz, a Muslim teacher from Turkey. He tried the mosque near his house, but it had Israeli and Danish flags painted on the floor for people to step on. The mosque near where he works warned him never to return wearing a tie. Pakistanis everywhere assume he is not Muslim because he has no beard.

Afghan official lauds Turkey’s education drive

ŞEYMA AKKOYUNLU, İSTANBUL A top Afghan official has praised Turkey’s efforts to boost education and help in restructuring Afghanistan, saying Turkish assistance to the country was unparalleled. “Turkey has a very special place in Afghanistan. It is the only Muslim country in NATO, and the Afghan people trust Turkey. The source of this trust is […]

Ethiopian schools put Turkey on curriculum

MARY FITZGERALD, Addis Ababa “MERHABA! MERHABA!” – the Turkish greeting echoes through the school corridor as neatly uniformed Ethiopian children welcome a visitor.That morning the children sang the Turkish national anthem along with their own. On the school walls, vocabulary charts to help pupils improve their command of Turkish hang alongside framed verses of Rumi’s […]

Kazakh-Turkish high schools win 16 medals in science competition

Students from Kazak-Turkish high schools in Kazakhstan won 16 medals in the MOSTRATEC science and technology competition, held in Brazil, the Anatolia news agency reported yesterday. Twenty-two countries submitted 274 projects in total. The competition, held in Novo Hamburg on Oct. 26-31, aims to bring students from diverse backgrounds together and instill a love for […]

Learnium International: A school with a difference in Sri Lanka

Learnium International School at Athul Kotte Rajagiriya is located right in front of the KFC. The school management is Turkish with a mixed staff of foreign and local teachers well qualified, experienced and dedicated, giving individual attention to students. The school has all basic necessities e.g. a sick room, science laboratory and a computer room with multimedia and internet where teachers use the projector and power point slide shows to teach.

Great interest shown in Turkish school in Egypt

CUMALİ ÖNAL , CAİRO The Salahaldin International School (SIS) in Egypt, one of many schools sponsored by Turkish entrepreneurs throughout the world, has kicked off the new school year with 600 students, which is an astonishing success for the newly opened school. Speaking to Today’s Zaman, the director of SIS, Şevket Şimşek, underlined that the […]

Karzai honored Turkish schools in his country

SULTAN FAIZY, KABUL Afghan President Hamid Karzai has honored Turkish schools in his country, awarding them a prestigious state medal during a ceremony in Kabul on Monday. The ceremony was attended by Afghan Education Minister Farooq Wardak; the director general of Afghan-Turkish high schools, Hikmet Çoban; and a number of Afghan deputies. Çoban was given […]

New developments regarding Gülen movement

MURAT YETKIN FROM RADIKAL DAILY I was first introduced to the Fethullah Gülen-inspired schools when I visited them as a journalist while following trips abroad by former President Süleyman Demirel. Since then I have been wondering why the Turkish state is reluctant to make use of such a great opportunity. By “state” I do not […]

Dedicated couples teaching Turkish to the world

İBRAHİM ASALIOĞLU Teachers who have moved to various parts of the world with their families to work at Turkish schools there are redefining the limits of self-sacrifice. Having gone to countries they had never before heard of, they are now teaching Turkish to locals. The Serin couple is two of those heroes of education who […]

Pioneering Turkish teachers realize long-sought dream

MUSTAFA EDİB YILMAZ, KIZILCAHAMAM While traveling from downtown Ankara to the tourist district of Kızılcahamam in springtime, one definitely notices how fabulous the poppies are that cover the hillsides. It would be difficult for many travelers to imagine a better view. However, for about a week this conclusion is certainly untrue for anyone whose destination […]

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Islam: Peace or Terror | Fethullah Gulen’s Response

Hizmet is not a terror group, they embraces the entire human family

Another AK Party deputy, Muhammed Çetin, resigns in protest

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