Learnium International: A school with a difference in Sri Lanka

Date posted: November 1, 2009

Learnium International School at Athul Kotte Rajagiriya is located right in front of the KFC. The school management is Turkish with a mixed staff of foreign and local teachers well qualified, experienced and dedicated, giving individual attention to students.

The school is in spacious premises with parking facility and a ground for sports. Each classroom is finely furnished and consists a maximum of 24 students provided with ACs and fans. Classes are from play school up to University Entrance.

From Grade 5, the students can select either Local or British syllabuses. The Montessori school is at Gregory’s Road and is well equipped with all the facilities to prepare kids in their first reading and writing. The special feature is that the parents have to bear only the term fees, no registration, admission or refundable fees are charged.

The school hours are from 8 am to 1.30 pm, and lots of school activities are provided for the students’ benefit. Club activities such as: science, maths, Languages, aesthetics, computer and sports are held to make students, all -rounders.

Various sports activities such as: volleyball, basketball, badminton, football, table tennis, carom, chess, and athletics are conducted to shape up the students physically and mentally. Students take part in various tournaments. Taekwondo is also taught by a visiting instructor and extra swimming and squash lessons are provided with transportation provided by the school.

Students have access to individual computer facility with internet. They can use and borrow books from the library. After each period, students are given 5 minutes break to refresh and stretch themselves. The canteen caters hygienic food. Annual events are, the sports meet, variety entertainment and the school exhibition conducted in all pomp and ceremony.

The school has all basic necessities e.g. a sick room, science laboratory and a computer room with multimedia and internet where teachers use the projector and power point slide shows to teach.

Teachers’ seminars are also conducted on par with the latest methodology. Students are also taught the Turkish language and prepared for the Annual International Olympiad competition.

Students from 114 countries round the globe get the chance of visiting Turkey and participating in numerous competitions to win medals and enjoy the experience of exotic Turkey.

Source: The Sunday Times , November 1, 2009

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