Keyword: USA

Turkic American Alliance calls on Davutoğlu to prove letter of complaint claims

The Turkic American Alliance (TAA) has called on Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu to provide evidence substantiating his recent claims that individuals affiliated with Turkish schools abroad sent letters of complaint to foreign officials about Turkey.

Turkish schools in US select Olympiad finalists

Many countries that are home to Turkish schools have been holding language and culture festivals this month to select the students who will compete in the 12th Turkish Olympiads in June, with one such event recently being held in the US state of Virginia.

Forget about the gentleman living in Pennsylvania, US tells Ankara

Turkey should stop discussing “the gentlemen in Pennsylvania” and instead focus on other important issues as a NATO ally, the U.S. State Department said, regarding U.S.-based Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen.

Erdoğan’s hate speech moves to US

The graffiti echoes Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s hate speech against the Hizmet movement inspired by Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen, with which the cultural center is affiliated.

[Part 3] Gülen says gov’t cut back on rights and freedoms in Turkey

Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen, who has inspired the popular civic and social movement called Hizmet, has said he is concerned with the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government’s moves seen over the last couple of years to cut back on fundamental rights and freedoms in Turkey.

[Part 2] Islamic scholar Gülen says he cannot remain silent on corruption

The Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen , who inspired the Hizmet movement, a world-wide network active in education, charity and outreach, also stated that the government must provide evidence to back up its accusations.

[Part 1] Islamic scholar Gülen calls conditions in Turkey worse than military coup

Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen, who has inspired a worldwide network active in education, charity and outreach, has described large-scale slander, pressure and oppression his Hizmet movement currently faces as worse than that seen during anti-democratic military coup regimes witnessed by Turkey.

Millions of people have asked for interview with Gülen

We realized it was not only millions of people in Turkey but also the world who were paying attention to what Gülen had to say. The interest in the Gülen interview also confirmed the universal dimension and vision of the Hizmet movement.

Why won’t Obama extradite Gulen?

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that he had complained to President Barack Obama about Fethullah Gulen in phone conversation. Erdogan added that Obama had responded favorably. The White House retorted in unusual language, telling journalists: “The response attributed to President Obama is not accurate.”

Doesn’t Obama know Gülen is in the US?

Gülen’s global schools are English-language schools run by Muslim Turks in places where it would be very difficult for American or British teachers to work, both politically and financially.

Journalists and Writers Foundation to discuss girls’ education in Afghanistan

The Journalists and Writers Foundation (GYV) is due to hold a panel on the topic of education of Afghan girls, in New York City on March 18.

White House denies remarks about Gülen attributed to Obama

In an unusual statement, the White House has accused Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of misrepresenting the content of his phone conversation with US President Barack Obama on Feb. 19 regarding the extradition of Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen, who lives in Pennsylvania.

Report: White House denies remarks attributed to Obama about Gülen

White House has reportedly denied remarks attributed to US President Barack Obama about Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen, describing them as “not accurate.” Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on Thursday during a live TV interview that Obama received “the message” about his complaint of Gülen residing in the US.

Erdoğan’s claims about Gülen stun US Ambassador Ricciardone

Ambassador Ricciardone, who can understand Turkish very well, cannot believe his eyes after reading the text about what Prime Minister Erdoğan had said during an ATV network interview about his conversation with Obama on Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen.

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In Case You Missed It

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Turkish Gov’t gears up to boost mutual trade with Ghana to $1 bln

Pakistan plans to expel Turkish teachers linked to opposition at home

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