Journalists and Writers Foundation to discuss girls’ education in Afghanistan

The Journalists and Writers Foundation
The Journalists and Writers Foundation

Date posted: March 11, 2014


The Journalists and Writers Foundation (GYV) is due to hold a panel on the topic of education of Afghan girls, in New York City on March 18.


The panel will be held within the framework of the 58th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, which will be dedicated to the Afghanistan’s struggles and progress toward educating girls. They will consider global political efforts to improve the education of girls, specifically how public and private institutes might enable the girls to pursue and complete their education. In addition, the panel will host various experts who have been studying the educational situation of girls in Afghanistan.


Two speakers joining the panel as United Nations representatives will talk about the projects and brief the audience about the educational targets established by the Millennium Development Goals (MDG). GYV is also planning to sponsor an educational project to contribute to Afghan-Turkish colleges in Afghanistan.

Source: Todays Zaman , March 6, 2014

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