‘Latest developments increased recognition of Hizmet Movement globally’

Date posted: March 20, 2014


Madiambal Diagne who is the editor-in-chief of a leading newspaper, Le Quotidien, in Senegal, stated that conflict between Hizmet Movement and Turkish government has paved way for Hizmet Movement to gain recognition worldwide extensively.

Speaking to the Cihan news agency, Diagne commented on the Hizmet Movement, inspired by Islamic Scholar Fethullah Gülen and the current stance of the government against to that movement, which greatly altered especially after corruption scandal on Dec. 17.

“Actually, I think what has happened recently has been benefit of the Hizmet Movement, since the world has found opportunity to know Hizmet Movement well. Some interventions which seemed as pressure have become an energy and power for Hizmet Movement to be heard and led to recognition of Hizmet Movement,” said Diagne.

Diagne also commented on the Turkish Schools, established by the entrepreneurs affiliated with the Hizmet Movement saying that Senegal needs those schools a lot since the schools do not only offer a decent education but also offers moral education for the students. “ Building a school means building a human. You build human. One day, if buildings you built collapse, people you built will continue to live,” added Diagne.

Source: Cihan , March 20, 2014

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