Keyword: Turkey

Gülen endorses reform package, appealing for ‘yes’ on Sept. 12 referendum

Well-respected Turkish intellectual and scholar Fethullah Gülen has said the constitutional reform package to be voted on Sept. 12 contains crucial amendments. Underlining that everyone, including Turkish citizens living abroad, should say “yes” in the referendum, Gülen said, “I wish we had a chance to raise the dead ones from their graves and urge them to cast ‘yes’ votes in the referendum,” as he highlighted the importance of voting in favor of the changes.

Kimse Yok Mu Becomes A Member Of Ecosoc

Kimse Yok Mu Association becomes a member of Ecosoc. United Nations Economic and Social Council. Ecosoc is the name of an organization that is built to coordinate United Nation’s economic, social and other similar branches. Ecosoc is created after World War II during the year 1945, to act as a forum for international economic and social problems, and give social political suggestions to the member countries and the UN.

İstanbul hosts dialogue leaders to discuss tolerance in education

MAHIR ZEYNALOV “What we are doing here is for the better future of our people, to tackle global threats and institute global peace,” said Rostislav Rybakov, head of the Institute of Oriental Studies, during a conference held in İstanbul on Monday to discuss tolerance and dialogue in education. The Dialogue Eurasia Platform (DEP) together with […]

Representatives of Abrahamic religions meet in Iftar in Antioch

Antioch Intercultural Dialog Association (AKADIM) and Kimse Yok Mu relief organization brought together representatives of three Abrahamic religions in a fast breaking event in Hatay (Antioch). The representatives gave messages of peace and brotherhood. Mayor Assoc. Prof. Lütfü Savaş noted in his talk that unless someone from outside comes and asks, in Antioch they do not know who is Muslim and who is Christian, “We are all tolerant to each other.

Gulen Movement Educates Kurds, and not Everyone Is Happy

Nicolas Birch,  Turkey There is a studious silence in the basement floor of the Rose Pink Women’s Education and Mutual Aid Association in Diyarbakir, the largest city in Turkey’s mainly Kurdish southeast. In three classrooms, 70 12-year-old girls are hard at work studying for exams that will decide their secondary school future. Wearing headscarves that […]

Democracy tree grows in Abant as Turks and Kurds bond

ABDULLAH BOZKURT It was in 2000 that liberal and conservative intellectuals in Turkey came together for the first time to address difficult questions in a highly civilized and respectable manner. To mark the occasion, they planted a pine tree in the backyard of the famous Abant Palace resort hotel near the northwestern city of Bolu. […]

Fethullah Gulen Acquitted

The Turkish Supreme Court of Appeals has rejected the Chief Prosecutor’s Office’s objection to the acquittal of scholar Fethullah Gulen, which was upheld by the appeals court in early March. Gulen had been charged with “establishing an illegal organization”. The objection was soundly defeated by a 16 to 7 vote. Fethullah Gulen’s acquittal has been […]

Fethullah Gulen Acquitted

The Turkish Supreme Court of Appeals has rejected the Chief Prosecutor’s Office’s objection to the acquittal of scholar Fethullah Gulen, which was upheld by the appeals court in early March. Gulen had been charged with “establishing an illegal organization”. The objection was soundly defeated by a 16 to 7 vote. Fethullah Gulen’s acquittal has been […]

Appeals court unanimously upholds Fethullah Gülen acquittal

METIN ARSLAN The Supreme Court of Appeals has upheld the acquittal of Fethullah Gülen, first issued by the Ankara 11th High Criminal Court. The 9th Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Appeals reached the decision unanimously, stating that there was no inconsistency in the ruling of the 11th High Criminal Court, adding that it […]

Bryan couple joins interfaith tour of Turkey

María de Lourdes Ruiz Scaperlanda, Special Correspondent Perhaps curiosity first put the idea in their minds. Or perhaps it was simply the opportunity for exotic travel. But Freddie and Carrie Komar promptly realized that this was no ordinary tour. “When I started, this was just a trip to Turkey. But now,” Carrie paused and smiled, […]

Fethullah Gulen: Violence can not be a remedy for violence

BAHADIR BERK Interpreting the violent events in France for Aksiyon, Fethullah Gulen said: “Intelligence organizations should work in Turkey more sensitively. Violence should be suppressed even before it gets out of its slot. If you exhaust your power with delusions such as ‘It is possible that these will pose a threat in the future. Let […]

My Nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize is Fethullah Gulen

Fehmi Koru, Houston, Texas 15 October 2005 I do not have a voting right for Nobel nominations, but if I did, my nomination for the peace prize is ready: Fethullah Gulen. Of course, I know he’s controversial even in Turkey, he doesn’t appear in public anymore, he seldom grants interviews, yet nevertheless many in Turkey […]

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In Case You Missed It

Gülen’s lawyer dismisses wiretapping claims

[Part 2] Islamic scholar Gülen says he cannot remain silent on corruption

Kimse Yok Mu extends helping hand to orphans in eastern Turkey

An Interview with Fethullah Gülen

Victims of forced disappearance in Turkey

Sudan arrests Gülen-linked businessman at Turkey’s request

World media covers possible anti-journalist ops; Turkish press silent

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