Lawyer of Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen Nurullah Albayrak has released a written statement on some slanderous allegations against the Hizmet Movement which is held responsible for wiretapping around 7,000 people.
In his statement, Albayrak said the allegations which appeared in some newspapers is totally baseless and targets Gülen in an unfair way and demands punishment for the individuals who were involved such accusations.
More Academics, Teachers, Charity Staff Detained Over Alleged Gülen Links
Tens of academics, teachers, university staff and aid organization personnel were detained by police in Turkey over alleged links with Gülen movement.
Erdogan’s Hate Speech against the Gulen Movement
This video is the hate speech uttered by Turkey’s president Tayyip Erdogan agains the Gulen Movement. Video is compilation from Mr. Erdogan’s public speeches and election rallies.
Turkey’s coup attempt & a more intimate view of the Hizmet Movement
Working towards this vision of the world, the Gulen Movement focus primarily in three areas: creating high achieving educational institutions from elementary schools to universities; establishing interfaith dialogue organizations where leaders from different religions as well as public official come together to find and share common grounds at a local and international level; and providing emergency relief in disaster areas around the world.
New York Times urges Obama not to deport Gulen
In an editorial titled ‘Let Mr. Erdogan Fight His Own Battles’ published on May 2, the New York Times said ‘The American government is obliged to examine the request if Mr. Erdogan follows through and formally files one. But right now the threat seems to be nothing more than a crass and cynical attempt to exploit the law, and Turkey’s alliance with the United States, for political payback.’
Erdogan Changes Tactics On Attempt To Shut Turkish Schools
President Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey has changed tactics in his efforts to make foreign governments close schools run by Hizmet Movement associates, otherwise called Turkish schools.
Turkish authorities use charges of terrorism to silence free speech
Journalists in Turkey are being charged with “being involved in terrorist activities” and “endangering state security” to justify the current crackdown on the media, as this is the only legitimate way for Turkish leadership to silence and censor dissident voices while shielding themselves from being seen as infringers on the freedom of speech and expression, unambiguously protected under international law.
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