Keyword: Fethullah Gulen

Gülen-linked gold firm’s operations halted for second time in two months

Gold firm Koza Altın’s operations at a mine in the Central Anatolian province of Eskişehir have been suspended by the governorship, two months after the halting of another mine belonging to company known to have close ties with Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen.

Gulen’s books draw large interest at Indonesia’s book fair

“The Honorable Gulen’s books attract great attention. Now we have realized what a great idea it was to translate his books into Indonesian. His “Questions and Answers” and “The Messenger of God: Muhammad” have sold out. These two have been among best sellers anyway.

Gulen, Erdogan and democracy in Turkey

Previously, most observers had wrongly assumed that these groups were inherent allies because of their faith-based worldview. In sharp contrast to this misperception, these groups came from entirely different pasts and political orientation, although they share a common interest in free market economy and cherished upward socio-economic mobility.

Islamic scholar Gülen offers condolences to Berkin’s family

Dismayed by unconstructive language adopted by government officials over social issues, Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullan Gülen offered his deep condolences to family of Berkin Elvan, the latest victim of Gezi Park protests, in a statement late on Tuesday.

Doesn’t Obama know Gülen is in the US?

Gülen’s global schools are English-language schools run by Muslim Turks in places where it would be very difficult for American or British teachers to work, both politically and financially.

Clash of two Islams in Turkey

Mr. Gulen and the movement which takes his name are rooted in the mystical tradition of Islam and focus on education and social and cultural projects while Mr. Erdogan is an advocate for political Islam and its desire for political power.

Turkey needs a new constitution to save its democracy

Until recently Turkey was seen as an example of a country that prospered while maintaining a democratic government run by observant Muslim leaders. No longer. A small group within the government’s executive branch is holding to ransom the entire country’s progress. The support of a broad segment of the Turkish public is now being squandered, along with the opportunity to join the EU.

Gulen calls for new constitution in Turkey

Fethullah Gulen, the Islamic preacher embroiled in a battle with the Turkish government that has shaken the country, has redoubled his criticism of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, calling for a new constitution to rein in rights he says are under siege.

Why do I take sides

The faith-based social movement Gülen has inspired as one of the major civil society forces in Turkey which, through educational, media, business and social solidarity institutions, promotes democratization, socio-economic development and integration with the global community.

Hizmet Movement discussed at Mexico’s UNAM

A group of Turkish, American and Mexican academics came together at National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) to discuss the Hizmet Movement’s progression from past to present.

Fethullah Gulen: From Izmir to the Global Hizmet Movement

Gulen’s name has progressively reached a wider Western audience. But, let us note that most of news coverage paints Gulen within a political narrative — forgetting (or ignoring) four decades of civil society advocacy, education and dialogue activities and support for democracy and human rights. There is more to Gulen than this current political paradigm. Some history and perspective will help set the facts straight.

Hizmet, politics and political parties

In the past, the Hizmet movement never formed alliances or got involved in an organic relationship with any political party. At the same time, it never ever demanded anything from political parties that strayed outside of the above-outlined principles, or was contrary to rights, the law, democracy, merit or the will of God. The Hizmet movement gains its strength from this fullness of heart and independence.

The demise of Turkish democracy

A total of 84 American foreign policy experts have written a bipartisan letter to US President Barack Obama, expressing concern that Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s autocratic actions and demagoguery are not only subverting Turkey’s political institutions and values but also endangering the US-Turkey relationship.

Turks are not cows

In question are serious and grave accusations such as being involved in corruption, stacking money in houses, seeking villas, trying to get rid of millions of dollars… If all of these were just slander, what would a political man with self-confidence do? Wouldn’t he publicly present concrete evidence proving the slander?

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Purge-victim man sent back to prison over Gulen links despite stage 4 cancer diagnosis

University refuses admission to woman jailed over Gülen links

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Local priests participate in landmark interfaith trip to Turkey

Hate Crime: Lists of “Gulen pupils” circulating in Amsterdam

Fethullah Gülen: ‘I Call For An International Investigation Into The Failed Putsch In Turkey’

Baseless allegations damage publicly traded firms

Relatives Fear Turkish Govt May Kill Prisoners Through Staged Riot

Sareshwala: Agitation and confrontation doesn’t get Muslims anywhere

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