Gulen’s books draw large interest at Indonesia’s book fair

Date posted: March 13, 2014


Fethullah Gulen’s books have attracted an immense attention at the Islamic Books Fair in Jakarta, Indonesia. Republika Publishing officials selling Gulen’s books at their stalls expressed their contentment over the high interest from fair visitors. Pak Ikbal, Republika Publishing’s director, said their stalls drew the most visitors at the fair. “The Honorable Gulen’s books attract great attention. Now we have realized what a great idea it was to translate his books into Indonesian. His “Questions and Answers” and “The Messenger of God: Muhammad” have sold out. These two have been among best sellers anyway. We have marked “best seller” on new editions of both.”

Ikbal further said they went into overdrive to complete “Emerald Hills of the Heart” on time and made it available to the Indonesian readers at the fair. Indonesian readers are quite familiar with Gulen and they can’t wait to have his other books too available in Indonesian.

Currently, eight of Gulen’s book are available in Indonesian by Republika Publishing under Mahaka Media, one of the country’s largest media groups.

Published [in Turkish] on Cihan, 12 March 2014, Wednesday

Source: , March 13, 2014

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