An iftar dinner by KYM for Thai Muslims

Date posted: July 30, 2013

Kimse Yok Mu Foundation (KYM), which extends its helping hands to all over the world, held yet another iftar dinner for Muslims in Thailand.

In Thailand, Ramadan month is observed in a different way than in Turkey. Families prefer breaking the fast at iftar tables set around mosques rather than doing it at home. What is remarkable about these community iftar dinners is that all participants are collaborating here to help the volunteer staff in charge of setting iftar dinners. Praying and reciting salawat as they wait for the time, Thais break their fast with the water and date served to the tables. Next, they pray salat al-magrib (evening prayer) and then sit at the tables back for iftar.

As a part of its Ramadan agenda, KYM Foundation is organizing aid trips to Far Eastern countries. One of the KYM coordinators visiting Thailand, Ibrahim Serafettin Ekiz, reported that thousands have been hosted at iftar dinners for five days in Bangkok and Muslim-populated southern cities. Ekiz noted mostly the poor showed up for the dinners yet there were rich ones among who would like to share the abundance of Ramadan. Noting that KYM Ramadan iftar dinners in Thailand have become a tradition now, Ekiz said it’s amazing to see the joy over there.

Likewise, Mosque Yala’s imam Nikmin Nikmuda said, “Community iftars are strengthening feelings of fraternity, which we are witnessing here today at KYM dinner.”

The Muslim population of nearly eight million in Thailand break the fast together at community iftar dinners. Over four thousands of mosques are available in the country.

Source: HizmetMovement.Com , July 29, 2013

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