Fethullah Gülen’s statement regarding the family that drowned in the Meric (Evros) River

M. Fethullah Gulen
M. Fethullah Gulen

Date posted: February 16, 2018

Fethullah Gülen

With tremendous sadness, I have learned that a mother and her two children lost their lives in the Meriç (Evros) River while fleeing Turkey in order to escape persecution by tyrants in their home country.

With tremendous sadness, I have learned that members of two families lost their lives in the Meriç River while fleeing Turkey in order to escape persecution by tyrants in their home country.

The unprecedented witch-hunt in Turkey continues and leaves innocent citizens with no opportunity to continue their lives with dignity. Citizens who have never caused harm to others are forced to leave or risk human rights violations at the hands of the Turkish government, which has been condemned by all human rights watchdogs, including the United Nations rapporteurs.

The international community should closely evaluate why these innocent people are fleeing Turkey and putting their lives at risk, and it must warn the Turkish government to restore legal order in the country and to protect basic human rights.

May God Almighty bless members of the Abdurrezzak and Dogan families who lost their lives with the highest level of Heaven. I pray to God Almighty to help find those who are missing as soon as possible and to help our brother Fatih Yasar recover quickly. May He ease the pain of those who are left behind and give them patience and strength. And may He save our blessed country and innocent citizens from the cruelty of the oppressor.

– February 15, 2018

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Source: Alliance for Shared Values , February 15, 2018

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