Eid joy of Venezuelan orphans

Date posted: July 31, 2014

Calling out “Fill up your umbrella of mercy with the abundance of sharing” throughout the month of Ramadan, Kimse Yok Mu Foundation shared the Eid al-Fitr joy with the needy in 110 countries on 5 continents, particularly in Turkey.

Its volunteers spent the eid with the orphan, also gave away food packages and meals to 200 orphans, in cooperation with the local Turkish-run Puento Foundation. The children also received their eid gifts from the volunteers.

The foundation’s international director for assistance Yusuf Yildirim spoke on their Ramadan efforts: “We reached out to the needy in 5 continents. Our volunteers hit the road to share the eid joy with the Venezuelan orphans. I believe the smiling of the faces of children have been the best “thank you” to those having shared the joy of giving with us.”

KYM, which has been a beacon of hope to the millions in need with the Ramadan efforts, has brought the Ramadan abundance to the needy, particularly the orphan, across the world.

Published [in Turkish] on Zaman, 30 July 2014, Wednesday.

Source: HizmetMovment.Com , July 31, 2014

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