4 Turkish charity organizations on OCHA’s Nepal list

Kimse Yok Mu teams join search and rescue operations in Nepal after a magnitude 7.9 earthquake struck the country and caused the deaths of thousands of people. (Photo: Cihan)
Kimse Yok Mu teams join search and rescue operations in Nepal after a magnitude 7.9 earthquake struck the country and caused the deaths of thousands of people. (Photo: Cihan)

Date posted: May 4, 2015

Four Turkish humanitarian aid organizations including Kimse Yok Mu, the Prime Ministry’s Disaster and Emergency Management Directorate (AFAD), the Turkish Search and Rescue Team (AKUT) and GEA (Mother Earth) have been placed on the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs’ (OCHA) list of teams providing humanitarian aid in the devastating Nepal earthquake.

Humanitarian aid organizations from around the world have sent teams to help the search and rescue operations in Nepal after a magnitude 7.9 earthquake struck the country and caused the deaths of thousands of people. The earthquake also destroyed most of the houses and historical monuments in the area.

According to OCHA’s report released on their official website on April 29, 54 international Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) teams from 22 countries comprising 1,719 personnel were sent to Nepal after the earthquake. The report also said 6,250 people died and 14,357 were wounded in the earthquake.

Kimse Yok Mu dispatched a team to Nepal on April 26 and pledged TL 100,000 in donations for the tragedy.

Other humanitarian aid organizations from Russia, Poland, Germany and several other countries were included on the list.

Source: Today's Zaman , May 03, 2015

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