American students volunteer for Kimse Yok Mu aid campaign

Established in 2002, Kimse Yok Mu has involved many projects across the world, focusing on education, social services, medical services, housing, disaster relief, emergency response and sustainable development as well as providing food aid and basic necessities.
Established in 2002, Kimse Yok Mu has involved many projects across the world, focusing on education, social services, medical services, housing, disaster relief, emergency response and sustainable development as well as providing food aid and basic necessities.

Date posted: June 30, 2015

American members of international Kimse Yok Mu charity organization distributed aid boxes during the holy month of Ramadan in different parts of İstanbul.

The students went to the homes of needy people and gave them aid boxes. People were surprised when they saw Americans were giving aid boxes of Kimse Yok Mu.

Head of KYM Marmara Region Branch Murat Şenocak stated that they will have distributed 5,000 aid boxes during Ramadan and have distributed around 2,000 so far.

One of the students named Nermina İmsirovic said they had never thought situation of needy people in America and the campaign launched by Kimse Yok Mu is of great importance since such people have no choice to get help.

Source: CIHAN , July 29, 2015

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