Keyword: European Union

Why is the Gulen movement’s statement on press freedom significant?

BÜLENT KENEŞ As Turkey slows down its democratization and liberalization reforms, and occasionally backpedals on certain reforms, it runs into more serious problems. In particular, the slowdown in the democratization reforms Turkey is supposed to implement within the context of its European Union membership bid results in the deterioration of existing rights and freedoms. The […]

Scholars at Abant Meeting call for EU negotiations, domestic reform

Menekse Tokyay for Southeast European Times As Turkey’s EU bid has stalled, a group of prominent scholars agree that negotiations can only proceed if Turkey advances democracy, drafts a new civilian constitution and resolves of the Kurdish issue. The Abant Platform has long been a progressive force in Turkey, bringing together intellectuals to debate and […]

Journalists and Writers Foundation-European Union Delegation Roundtable Meeting

On January 25, 2013, Journalist and Writers Foundation hosted EU-Turkey Delegation Roundtable meeting at Sheraton Hotel, Ankara. In his opening speech, EU Delegation President, Ambassador Jean-Maurice Ripert noted that they have been examining and comparing Turkey’s ambitions with EU criteria set for the accession process. “Journalists and Writers Foundation is an influential and deep-rooted institution. […]

Gülen convinces people that Islam is integral part of global order

SEVGİ AKARÇEŞME, ABANT/TURKEY Professor Hans Köchler from Austria, the president of the International Progress Organization (IPO), has said the European Union’s resistance to Turkey’s membership is not due to its identity or its Islamic culture, as some argue, but mainly for economic reasons. The Abant Platform organized by the Journalists and Writers’ Foundation (GYV) hosted […]

Abant meeting calls for commitment to EU process, new constitution

SEVGİ AKARÇEŞME, ABANT/BOLU/TURKEY Participants of the three-day-long Abant Platform meeting have emphasized the need to finish drafting a new constitution, stressed the importance of a state that is equidistant to all beliefs and underlined the significance of reviving Turkey’s membership talks with the European Union. Long a byword for describing a gathering that attracts a […]

Abant Platform raises support for EU process, criticism for parties

SEVGİ AKARÇEŞME, ABANT/BOLU In the second day of discussions at the 28th Abant Platform meeting, participants leveled criticism at both Turkey and the EU while reiterating support for Turkey’s membership process at large. It was agreed that although Turkey’s long-term interests lie in EU membership, both sides suffer from fatigue as Turkey’s disappointment leads to […]

Abant participants: Turkey needs EU support to improve its democracy

24 June 2012 / YONCA POYRAZ DOĞAN, ABANT No matter the problems related to the European Union’s historical financial crisis and Turkey’s loss of enthusiasm regarding membership in the EU; participants of the 27th Abant meeting, titled “Different Perspectives on Turkey,” have said that Turkey needs the EU in order to improve its fragile democracy. […]

Turkish school shows EU already chose Turkey

HASAN CÜCÜK, EMRE OĞUZ, COPENHAGEN State Minister and Chief EU Negotiator Egemen Bağış said, “We are trying to get into the EU, but as far as I can see thanks to this school the EU nations already prefer us.” The minister said every Turkish school opened abroad reflected the tolerance of Turkish culture. State Minister […]

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