Gulen-linked body condemns attempted Turkey coup

Date posted: July 15, 2016

On Friday Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and others in his government blamed Fethullah Gulen for an attempted coup.

But the Alliance for Shared Values, a nonprofit movement inspired by Mr Gulen, put out a statement condemning “any military intervention in domestic politics of Turkey”.

The statement from the Alliance for Shared Values is produced in its entirety:

News media reported about developments in Turkey today regarding actions of Turkish Armed Forces.

For more than 40 years, Fethullah Gulen and Hizmet participants have advocated for, and demonstrated their commitment to, peace and democracy. We have consistently denounced military interventions in domestic politics. These are core values of Hizmet participants. We condemn any military intervention in domestic politics of Turkey.

Events on the ground are moving quickly and it would be irresponsible for us to speculate on them. We remain concerned about the safety and security of Turkish citizens and those in Turkey right now.

Comments by pro-Erdogan circles about the movement are highly irresponsible.

Source: Financial Times , July 15, 2016

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