Lecture: What Went Wrong in Turkey?

Sahin Alpay
Sahin Alpay

Date posted: August 13, 2015

Pacifica Institute is organizing a lecture on Turkish politics: What Went Wrong in Turkey? Turkey’s prominent academic and thinker Sahin Alpay will deliver a lecture on Thursday September 17, 2015 at Pacifica Institute’s Silicon Valley branch.  

Sahin Alpay is a columnist for Turkish dailies Zaman (since 2002) and Today’s Zaman (since 2007). He has previously served as editor and columnist at other leading Turkish dailies Cumhuriyet (1982 – 92), Sabah (1993 – 94) and Milliyet (1994 – 2001). He received Ph. D. degree in political science from Stockholm University (1981). He has lectured in various Turkish and Western universities, and mainly taught Turkish Politics and Comparative Politics courses at Bahcesehir University in Istanbul from 2001 until his retirement in early 2015. His comments on Turkish domestic politics and foreign policy frequently appear in the international media.

Date: Thursday, 9/17/2015

Time: 7:00pm

Venue: Pacifica Silicon Valley

1257 Tasman Dr. Unit B Sunnyvale, CA 94089

Source: Pasifica Institute , Aug 11, 2015

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