Peacebuilders Conference – Call for Papers:

Date posted: January 28, 2015

The Atlantic Institute, GA, is organizing a conference in partnership with the Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel. The conference’s main focus is non-violent peacebuilding.

Conference Title: Fostering Dialogues in Education, Ethics, and Non Violent Peacebuilding: Global Social and Religious Movements Today

Conference Date: April 9-10, 2015

Call for Papers:

Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel at Morehouse College and the Atlantic Institute welcomes paper proposals for the “Fostering Dialogues in Education, Ethics, and Non Violent Peacebuilding: Global Social and Religious Movements Today” conference which will be held on April 9-10, 2015 at Morehouse College’s Martin Luther King, Jr. International Chapel, Atlanta, GA.

Possible Panel and Paper Topics
Scholars and researchers will be invited to submit proposals related—but not limited to—the following topics without any geographical limitations.

A. Global Ethics and Moral Cosmopolitans
Debates on ethics and morality and their sources in social and religious traditions
B. Education and Society
Education and social issues in regard to social and religious movements involving poverty, gender (Women) and the environment
C. Non-Violent Peacebuilding and Global Transformation
Peacebuilding and Relief Activities – cases and themes
D. General Themes
Ideas and Legacies of such notables as Gandhi, King, Ikeda, and Gulen
Comparisons between civic and social movements

Panelists can make their presentations around a central theme. Each presentation will be 15 minutes in length. Submit a 500-word abstract and 150-word bio to and Mustafa Sahin ( and Prof. Richard Penaskovic ( Proposals should include: Title of the proposal, name of the author(s), telephone and e-mail address, affiliation and the body of proposal. Deadline for proposal submissions is January 30, 2015. You will be notified by February 2, 2015 regarding the status of your proposal.

Source: Peace Builders Conference , January 28, 2015

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