Filipino – Turkish Tolerance School students excel in ICAS 2014 exam, Ten others top in campus journalism

Filipino-Turkish Tolerance School
Filipino-Turkish Tolerance School

Date posted: December 6, 2014

At least nineteen students of the Filipino – Turkish Tolerance School (FTTS) have excelled in Mathematics, Science and English during an examination given by the International Competition Assessment for Schools (ICAS).

FTTS Director Zafren Elen said of the 22 students who took the ICAS exam for Mathematics last August 16, 2014, nineteen have emerged as awardees on three categories – distinction, credit and merit awards.

Distinction awardees are those who belong to the Top 10% of all examinees; credit awardees are in the Top 25% and those in the Top 45% merit awardees.

ICAS is a foundation based in Australia which provides assessment service for students who excel in Mathematics, Science and English.

FTTS Director Elen also bared that their young writers have shown their writing prowess in the different categories during the annual Division School Press Conference, which was held at Don Pablo Memorial High School last November 29, 2014.

The annual event aims to discover young talents in journalism in eight

different categories, namely: Sports Writing, News Writing, Feature Writing, Copy Reading and Headline Writing, Editorial Writing, Science and Technology Writing, Editorial Cartooning and Photojournalism.

Elen said 39 elementary schools and 33 high schools participated in that citywide competition.

Source: Zamboanga Today Online , December 05, 2014

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