NTIC Alumni urges Turkish govt not to close schools

Date posted: February 26, 2015


No fewer than Three Thousand, Two Hundred (3200) Alumni members of Nigerian Turkish International Colleges (NTIC) have condemned plans by Turkish government to close down branches of their schools established in various parts of the country.

The Alumni members who unanimously issued a communiqué calling on President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan-led government to re-consider his stand reminded him that Nigerian Turkish schools have many of their members who currently earn a living through the institution and that the coming of the Turkish citadel of learning has created limitless opportunities for Nigerians.

NTIC which has been in existence in Nigeria for over 15 years equally has 15 schools in five states as well as Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.

According to the Alumni group whose message was conveyed by its Chairman Mohammed Bello Tango, friendly collaboration which had existed between Nigeria and Turkey in the area of education, Health and other infrastructural development have brought unprecedented turn around in the lives of many.

The Alumni members further recounted “As graduates of Nigerian Turkish International College, we are fortunate to have been given a solid education coupled with invaluable discipline through high moral standards both in and out of the classroom.

Even after graduation, our gratitude to the Turks in Nigeria continues to grow as we Nigerians remain beneficiaries of their various activities nationwide,”

While drawing strength from the pace set by Nigeria with diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds, NTIC Alumni affirmed that from inception Nigeria Turkish School further advanced the use of dialogue as panacea towards bringing together individuals to be united in carrying out a common goal.

They also agreed that Nigeria with over 170 million People cannot cater for everyone hence the need for consolidated partnership which NTIC believe in adding “Some of us still eat through the jobs that the Turks have provided for us. We have members of our alumni working in schools and at the Nigerian Nile Turkish University. Without this, some of us would be jobless with no source of ‘ekmek parasi’ as it is put in Turkish.

The school Alumni body however wondered why the present day government in Turkey would suggest the issue of closing down schools and any other establishment in any African country stating “It comes to us as a shock for anybody to even fathom or suggest the closing of our schools. We see no justifiable reason why the leadership of Turkey should discourage such a positive aspect of our lives, it seems not all mean well,”

Source: People's Daily Nigeria , February 24, 2015

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