Deputy PM of Turkey visits Gulen-inspired school in Yemen

Date posted: November 27, 2012

Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc visited the International Yemen Turkish Schools as well as the Yemen office of TIKA, Turkey’s international cooperation and development agency, in capital Sana’a. During his visit to the Turkish schools complex, Arinc received information from the schools’ director, Mehmet Yilmaz.

The Turkish schools campus, a Gulen-inspired school, was inaugurated last month by Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.

Arinc later paid a visit to the TIKA’s Yemen coordination office. He briefed Yemeni officials and Industry and Trade Minister Mohammad Saed al-Sabi about TIKA’s works.

“Turkey wants Yemen’s prosperity, security and development. We are ready to extend support to Yemen in the fields of health, education, transportation and infrastructure,” Arinc said.

The Turkish deputy premier will participate on Saturday in the 6th Turkey-Yemen Business Council and he will address Turkish businesspeople.

He will also meet with Yemeni President Abd al-Rab Mansur al-Hadi and Prime Minister Mohammed Salem Basindawa.

Arinc will depart from Yemen on Sunday after concluding his talks in the country.

Source: Anadolu Agency, 24 November 2012

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