A notable award for Mongolian-Turkish schools

Date posted: October 17, 2013

The Turkish schools operating in Mongolia have been awarded “Most Effective Institution Award”, in recognition of their contributions to Mongolia in the field of education.

At a ceremony recently held at Sunjin Grand Hotel in the capital, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia’s 50 most effective institutions were presented their awards. In recognition of their achievements and contributions, Empathy Educational Institutions, active for about 20 years in Mongolia, were honored with “Top Standard” award among the most effective institutions. An Empathy Institutions affiliate, Elite International School, Principal Mustafa Uguz received the award on the institutions behalf. The organizing committee members expressed their appreciation of the schools’ contributions to the development of Mongolia. Since their establishment in 1994, Empathy Educational Institutions have been rated top among the Mongolian students.

Published [in Turkish] on Cihan, 14 October 2013, Monday

Source: HizmetMovement.Com , October 16, 2013

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