Turkish Schools in Kyrgyzstan Celebrated 20th Anniversary

Date posted: May 10, 2012

Cihan News Agency, May 8, 2012

The Turkish Schools in Kyrgyzstan celebrated their 20thanniversary with a magnificent event. Many high ranked individuals participated in this celebration of the schools that are affiliated with the Kyrgyz-Turkish Educational Institutions (SEBAT). Busurmankul Tabaldiyev, the secretary of the defense council of Kyrgyzstan, was in attendance on behalf of President Almazbek Atambeyev. The Turkish ambassador, Nejat Akcal also participated in the event that took place at the Opera and Ballet Theater in Bishkek, the capital city.

The head of Kyrgyz-Turkish Educational Institutions, Orhan Inaldi, started the event with a speech. Mr. Inaldi reminded the guests of a group of volunteer Turkish businessmen and teachers who came to Kyrgyzstan 20 years ago and started 3 schools that are currently continuing to serve education with 14 high schools and 1 university. Mr. Inaldi stated that in 20 years, 9,000 Kyrgyz students have graduated from these schools, and that not once did they feel alien to the country.

The Turkish ambassador Mr. Akcal reminded the guests that these schools invest in the future of humanity and it is everybody’s goal to support this mission in Kyrgyzstan. Ambassador Akcal presented a plaque to Mr. Inaldi for his service to these educational institutions.

Busurmankul Tabaldiyev, the secretary of the defense council of Kyrgyzstan, was also in attendance on behalf of president Almazbek Atambeyev, and emphasized that the future of his country is being built up thanks to the efforts of Turkish teachers and businessmen for education.

The secretary Tabaldiyev reminded the guests the words of president Atambeyev, “Turkey is the first country that reached out a helping hand to Kyrgyzstan during the period that the country went through hardship and the relationship between the two countries will continue in every area, mostly in education.”

Sultan Rayev, the chief advisor to Prime Minister, in his speech, talked about the success of the Turkish schools in his country.  Mr. Rayev said he was participating in the celebration on behalf of Prime Minister Omurbek Babanov and expressed his thankfulness on behalf of the government, to Mr. Inaldi.

Ravsan Ceenbekov who is a member of Kyrgyz parliament participated the celebration on behalf of high council, thanked Mr. Orhan Inaldi for his service for these institutions and had him wear Kyrgyz national attire.

The participation of former principals who served these schools in their first years added color to the night. Guests who filled the theater enjoyed the performance of a national folk dance by Kyrgyz students.

The deputy Prime Minister Gulnara Asimbekov, Minister of Education Kanat Sidikov, Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Galina Kulikov representatives of civil society organizations in Kyrgyzstan and Turkish businessmen were among the attendees of the celebrations as well.

Source: Zaman Newspaper http://www.zaman.com.tr/haber.do?haberno=1284715&title=kirgizistandaki-turk-okullari-20-yil-donumunu-kutladi

Disclaimer: The original article is in Turkish. Slight deviations from the original meaning may have occurred due to difficulties in translating phrases and idioms. PII volunteers translated the article.

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