Chorepiscopus Yusuf Sag: Fethullah Gulen’s service is admirable

Date posted: July 25, 2013

Chorepiscopus Yusuf Sag, Vicar General and leader of the Syriac Catholic Church in Turkey, remarked on Fethullah Gulen and his contributions to interfaith dialogue, in a recent interview with the Turkish daily Bugun:

“I can’t deny the efforts Fethullah Gulen has put in interfaith dialogue. Fethullah Gulen’s service –whom I know- in this regard is admirable and immeasurable. He has never been a political instrument but always served friendly coexistence.”

I’m watching in admiration

“I wish every country had its own Fethullah Gulen. Unfortunately, there exist historically unacceptable, sorrowful wars and incidents happening in the name of faiths. Until yesterday, atrocious massacres were happening between Catholics and Protestants in England. The churches were set on fire. Faith plays a crucial role in today’s painful incidents around the world.

What is Gulen’s ambition? It is -as I can tell it- faiths living in peace. Faith leaders and politicians ruling over our world should inspire peace. However, we, as religious authorities, should establish peace among ourselves first so that we can demand the same from politicians. This is what Honorable Gulen seeks.

Another aspect of Gulen that I watch in admiration is his appreciation of education. He established hundreds of schools on earth, regardless of faith, language or ethnicity. Those dear teachers are serving diligently day and night at these schools. All these are admirable. I watched the students performing at the recent Turkish Olympiads in admiration. They all sang in Turkish like angels. I have to ask: Is it better that they sing Turkish songs or hold guns in their hands?”

Source: HizmetMovement.Com , July 25, 2013

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