Veteran who lost legs in PKK attack removed from civil service over Gulen links

Date posted: September 19, 2016

A Kırıkkale man who lost his both legs in a PKK attack while doing military service in the eastern province of Bingöl, has been sacked from a state institution after authorities found out that private colleges linked to Gülen Movement granted scholarship to his children.

The movement stands accused of orchestrating the July 15 coup attempt despite its successive denials. The government meanwhile carries out an ever-growing witch-hunt against any individual allegedly suspected of being linked to the movement.

Harun İpek, a 41-year-old father of four, lost his two legs after he stepped on a mine planted by the outlawed PKK in 2001. He served as a public worker at Kırıkkale branch of the Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks until he was fired.

“My children used to be proud of being children of a veteran. Now they are seen as infidels. …I have not been told about the underlying reason [for my removal]. Due to the reasons beyond my control, I sent my children to such schools for seven years in freely-granted veteran-quota,” İpek said.

More than 100,000 people have been either sacked or suspended from state institutions over their alleged links to the movement so far.

Source: Turkey Purge , Sep 18, 2016

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