UN takes Turkish school as model in Mali

The United Nations have taken a Turkish school as a model to determine what success is for primary school students in the African country Mali.
The United Nations have taken a Turkish school as a model to determine what success is for primary school students in the African country Mali.

Date posted: November 29, 2014

The United Nations have taken a Turkish school as a model to determine what success is for primary school students in the African country Mali.

The UN Women’s Mali branch has taken as a model Horizon Turkish School’s Mathematics Olympiad to determine successful primary school students in the country.

The Olympiad covered the subject of mathematics under the name of “Mathlogique” held across Mali. This year approximately 3,000 students attended the competition.

Speaking about the competition, the head of UN Women’s Mali branch Coumba Bah expressed how the Olympiad was taken as such an example.

“We want to reward successful children studying in primary school in Mali. It is need to be safe competition. There was no examination system set by the state for sixth graders. We met with Turkish schools’ management and decided to reward children accordingly to the Turkish schools award system. I thank Turkish schools for their successful activities and contributing to our education system,” Bah said.

Erdal Karadeniz, the education coordinator of the Turkish schools in Mali, attended the UN’s award ceremony as an honored guest and said that the UN’s taking Turkish schools as a model is an honor.

Source: BGNNEWS , November 29, 2014

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