PII Awards Law Enforcement in New Jersey

Date posted: December 10, 2015

The outstanding contributions of law enforcement were recognized at an award ceremony in Morristown, New Jersey.

The program started with a moment of silence for the victims of the San Bernardino, California massacre, which left 14 people dead and dozens injured on December 2.

Peace Islands Institute director Ercan Tozan welcomed his guests and thanked everyone for their continued service to the community.

Ecan Tozan, Director, Peace Islands Institute: “Thank you for coming. [Knowing] that many of you traveled long distances serves to remind us of just how important our work is. The enforcement appreciation dinner [is a place] where we will show our appreciation and thanks to the men and women who are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to keep us all safe.”

The Peace Islands Institute’s Law Enforcement Appreciation Award united community members with law enforcement personnel.

Each of the honorees have motivated their community through their actions and were recognized for their accomplishments.

The recipients thanked Peace Islands Institute for the award and mentioned the importance of working together with the community.

Michael E. Campion, Assistant United States Attorney, the District of New Jersey: “It is very gratifying to have our efforts recognized, and it means even more to have this recognition come from Peace Islands Institute. Peace Islands’ mission and vision is similar to and entirely consistent with the work we are doing in civil rights at the US attorney’s office. Peace Islands promotes dialogue among all communities and you have many laudable goals, including respecting the rights of all, regardless of race, ethnicity or religion.”

Police Chief Paul Cell spoke at the ceremony, urging a united effort among community members and law enforcement to prevent acts of hatred and violence against innocent people.

Paul Cell, Police Chief, Montclair State University “We need to work together to remove that mask fairly, to identify these opponents for what they are: pure evil. And we have to stop hiding behind culture, race and religion, and we need to work together more closely each and every day.”

The Peace Islands Institute is a non profit organization that unites different points of view in an atmosphere of mutual respect and acceptance, while fostering better insight into social problems.

Source: Ebru News , December 7, 2015

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