African Union and Kimse Yok Mu sign landmark agreement to further aid efforts in Africa

African Union Commissioner for Political Affairs Aisha Laraba Abdullahi (R) and KYM Secretary General Savaş Metin signed a memorandum of understanding on Monday.(Photo: Cihan)
African Union Commissioner for Political Affairs Aisha Laraba Abdullahi (R) and KYM Secretary General Savaş Metin signed a memorandum of understanding on Monday.(Photo: Cihan)

Date posted: April 28, 2015

Turkish charity organization Kimse Yok Mu (KYM) has signed a landmark agreement with the African Union (AU), paving way for close cooperation between the two entities to further aid, education and development efforts in Africa.

African Union Commissioner for Political Affairs Aisha Laraba Abdullahi and KYM Secretary General Savaş Metin signed a memorandum of understanding on Monday, which marks a new phase in development work in Africa as the parties agreed to collaborate to advance aid efforts in the continent.

Speaking at the signature ceremony, Abdullahi said that KYM is an important partner of the AU by pointing out the organization’s significant contribution in the area of education.

“Important decisions were made [by KYM and AU] and steps to strengthen Africa were discussed. … KYM is an important partner for us and it has extended help to Africa for years,” said Abdullahi.

KYM aims at building 1,000 new schools in Africa with its “Sahra Schools” project by 2020.

“For the development of Africa, educational standards must be improved. With the Sahra Schools project, KYM will help hundreds and thousands of [African] students to get education in better conditions,” said Metin.

KYM, which also grants scholarships to African students to receive university education in Turkey, has given scholarships to 547 African students this year.

In the area of health, KYM offers aid to patients from 10 African countries, with 414 volunteer doctors working at 67 health centers.

KYM doctors have restored the vision of 34,607 people in the continent by conducting cataract surgeries.

KYM also enabled 3.5 million people get potable water with the construction of 2,000 wells.

Source: Today's Zaman , April 27, 2015

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