WSJ, Judiciary, Gulen Movement, and the Government

Nazli Ilicak
Nazli Ilicak

Date posted: April 4, 2013

The news I read in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) took me by great surprise. Supposedly, (former Gen. Staff) Ilker Basbug’s imprisonment for life was a message from the Gulen Movement to Erdogan, saying, “Beware! You cannot seek resolution on the Kurdish issue without our permission.”

The claim that there was an organizational grouping of members of the Movement in the judicial circle was first brought up when Prosecutor Sadrettin Kaya wished to interrogate Hakan Fidan, Counselor for MIT (National Intelligence Organization). Even if one doesn’t agree with the issue, the fact that the incident was considered to be an “overstepping of judicial boundaries” can at least be paid some respect. However, generalizations made without the support of any sound evidence contradicts with the gravity of the issue.

That said, did it not become obvious that all these claims had been nothing but nonsense after Fethullah Gulen’s support on the Imrali negotiation process? So, this comes to mean that the summoning of Fidan into interrogation was because of the fact that the MIT seemed to have some kind of part in the KCK operations. The prosecutor was obligated to carry on his interrogation, based on the evidence received from security forces and the current laws.

We love writing out different scenarios based solely on assumptions. There are some who do this through their bad intentions, wanting to weaken their target, AK Party. And there are others who get carried away with conspiracy theories and produced baseless claims. Supposedly, the imprisonment of Basbug was a warning from the Movement to Erdogan! As if the Prime Minister were against judging the attempts towards coup! On the contrary, Erdogan had only criticized the widespread apprehensions and the accusation of Basbug on being “a member of a terrorist organization”. Otherwise, he was not apt to covering up and letting go of those who were after psychological operations and black propaganda. After all, without the support of the political will, the process of judging the coups wouldn’t have been able to begin in the first place.

Source: [in Turkish] Sabah, 23 March 2013. English translation is retrieved from HizmetMovement.Com

TagsFethullah GulenDefamation of Fethullah Gulen


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