Keyword: North America

Kimse Yok Mu to establish two schools in quake-stricken Haiti

Kimse Yok Mu (Is Anybody There), a Turkish charitable association known for its international charity work, plans to establish two schools in Haiti, hit by a strong earthquake just over a month ago. Kimse Yok Mu volunteers met with officials in Haiti and are determined to build two schools in the country, where hospitals, schools […]

US conference discusses Gülen movement contributions to peace

Officials from the US Department of State, a retired ambassador, academics and others gathered at the University of Maryland, College Park campus, on Thursday to participate in a Rumi Forum Maryland conference on the Gülen (Hizmet) movement’s contributions to world peace.

Rumi Forum to bestow Peace and Dialogue Awards

The Rumi Forum bestowed its traditional Peace and Dialogue Awards on Tuesday. Congressman Connolly praised the activities of the Rumi Forum, saying, “If there is something that I think is important and that is represented by this forum tonight and the work of the Rumi Forum, it is the ability it has to bind us all in tolerance and understanding.”

Gülen’s teachings discussed this time in New York

The academic world around the globe is holding conferences and symposia one after another to discuss the ideas and dialogue activities of Fethullah Gülen, one of the greatest Islamic scholars of our age. Following a conference titled “Muslim World in Transition: Contributions of the Gülen Movement” held in London in the last week of October, […]

Turks in US Ditto: Dialogue

The interfaith dialogue symposium organized by the Niagara Foundation, a Turkish community foundation in the United States, began on Thursday. The Chicago Interfaith Gathering sponsored by several American academic institutions and non-governmental organizations met at the Chicago Cultural Center.

A new book by Esposito and Yavuz on ‘The Gülen Movement’

Ali H. Aslan Teachings of Fethullah Gülen which have inspired hundreds and thousands of Turkish people work for global education, peace, and the spread of tolerance, has become the subject of a new scholarly book in the U.S. The book entitled, ‘Turkish Islam and the Secular State: The Gülen Movement,’ was published by one of […]

US, Turkish charities hold blanket drive

In a joint campaign, the Northern Virginia Regional Commission (NVRC), the American Turkish Friendship Association (AFTA) and Embrace Relief held a blanket drive for Syrian and Iraqi refugees in the US on Thursday and collected 25,000 blankets, which will soon be shipped to Turkey.

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Fethullah Gülen’s Condolence Message for South African Human Rights Defender Archbishop Desmond Tutu

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Ankara systematically tortures supporters of Gülen movement, Kurds, Turkey Tribunal rapporteurs say

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Devious Use of International Organizations to Persecute Dissidents Abroad: The Erdogan Case

A “Controlled Coup”: Erdogan’s Contribution to the Autocrats’ Playbook

Why is Turkey’s Erdogan persecuting the Gulen movement?

Purge-victim man sent back to prison over Gulen links despite stage 4 cancer diagnosis

University refuses admission to woman jailed over Gülen links

In Case You Missed It

Students from Turkish school send pocket money to needy ones in Nepal

Kazakh students win medals at international science fair

2 Turkish teachers killed in Somali school bus attack

Turkish associations in US condemn Boston Marathon attack

Dismissed top editor of Zaman: We made a mistake by not objecting to the imprisonment of journalists

America’s Public Radio International maps out Turkish gov’t persecution of Gülen movement

Zaman daily launches news portal in Kurdish language

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