Largest dentistry school of Iraqi Kurdistan opened

Date posted: May 1, 2013

Turkey’s Ishik University has opened the largest dentistry faculty clinic in Iraq’s autonomous Kurdish region.

A ceremony held to mark the opening of the facilities on Monday drew the participation of high-level officials. The A-list guests at the opening included Justice and Development Party (AK Party) Deputy Chairman Hüseyin Çelik, Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Rosh Nouri Shawis, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Ali Saeed, Arbil Governor Nawzad Hadi and other KRG ministers.

Ishik University Rector Ahmet Öztaş said in his opening remarks that Fezalar Educational Institutions, of which Ishik University is a part, have been active in the region since 1994 and are well-known for their achievements. He added that Ishik University has been successfully growing since its establishment in 2008, and that other departments would follow the founding of the faculty of dentistry in northern Iraq.

Minister Shawis and Governor Hadi both stated during the opening ceremony that Fezalar Educational Institutions and Ishik University entered the region as a result of the first private foreign investments in the region in the field of education and that Fezalar is a reliable company. They said they supported Fezalar’s advancement into the region.

AK Party Deputy Chairman Çelik later addressed the audience, saying the region is very important for Turkey and that the nation will continue supporting investments in the autonomous Kurdish region. He voiced his support to Fezalar, saying its institutions are building bridges between the people of the region.

Source: TodaysZaman, 30 April 2013

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